
Function setupSystem.m
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setupGeometry.m setupSystem.m solvefi.m vaporPressure.m

Setup the system

At the beginning of the simulation, we compute the non-dynamic variables such as
  • the pore volumes, pv,
  • the transmissibilities, T,
  • the discrete differential operators, div and grad,
  • the gravity force contribution, dz,
function s = setupSystem(G, rock, bc, param)
   cf = G.cells.faces(:,1);
   nf = G.faces.num;
   nc = G.cells.num;

Compute pore volumes

   s.pv = poreVolume(G, rock);
   s.poro = rock.poro;

Compute the half, and then the full, transmissibilities.

   T = computeTrans(G, rock);
   cf = G.cells.faces(:,1);
   nf = G.faces.num;
   T  = 1 ./ accumarray(cf, 1./T, [nf, 1]);
   s.T = T;

Set up the discrete divergence operator, div. It sums up all signed faces' values in each cell.

   N = double(G.faces.neighbors);
   index = 1:nf';
   faces1 = N(:, 1) ~= 0;
   faces2 = N(:, 2) ~= 0;
   C1  = sparse(index(faces1), N(faces1, 1), ones(nnz(faces1),1), nf, nc);
   C2  = sparse(index(faces2), N(faces2, 2), ones(nnz(faces2),1), nf, nc);
   C = C1 - C2;
   s.div  = @(x)C'*x;

Set up the discrete gradient operator, grad. We compute the differences of cell values across each face. It is a linear mapping from cells' to faces' values.

   index = 1:nf;
   interior = prod(N, 2)~=0;

   C1_interior = sparse(index(interior), N(interior, 1), ones(nnz(interior), 1), nf, nc);
   C2_interior = sparse(index(interior), N(interior, 2), ones(nnz(interior), 1), nf, nc);

Compute the boundary contribution to the gradient operator. They corresponds to the external faces where Dirichlet conditions are given. We are careful to use the correct signs.

   is_dirichlet_faces1 = N(bc.dirichlet.faces, 1) ~= 0;
   is_dirichlet_faces2 = ~is_dirichlet_faces1;

   dirichlet_faces1 = bc.dirichlet.faces(is_dirichlet_faces1);
   dirichlet_faces2 = bc.dirichlet.faces(is_dirichlet_faces2);

   C1_exterior = sparse(index(dirichlet_faces1), ...
                        N(dirichlet_faces1, 1), ...
                        ones(numel(dirichlet_faces1), 1), nf, nc);
   C2_exterior = sparse(index(dirichlet_faces2), ...
                        N(dirichlet_faces2, 2), ...
                        ones(numel(dirichlet_faces2), 1), nf, nc);

The gradient operator is the sum of internal and boundary contributions.

   C = C1_interior + C1_exterior - (C2_interior + C2_exterior);

   pressure_bc = sparse(nf, 1);
   pressure_bc(dirichlet_faces1) = - bc.dirichlet.pressure(is_dirichlet_faces1);
   pressure_bc(dirichlet_faces2) = + bc.dirichlet.pressure(is_dirichlet_faces2);

   s.p_grad = @(p)(C*p + pressure_bc);

   s.grad = @(val, bc_val)(grad(val, bc_val, nf, C, ...
                                is_dirichlet_faces1, dirichlet_faces1, ...
                                is_dirichlet_faces2, dirichlet_faces2));

Set up the gravity term.

   z = G.cells.centroids(:, 3);
   fz = G.faces.centroids(:, 3); = s.grad(z, fz);

Define function to compute concentrations on faces using cells' values and upwind directions. Here, the nature of the boundary faces (Dirichlet or note) are not allowed to change, although the values on these faces may change.

   s.faceConcentrations = @(flag, conc_c, bc_conc) ...
       faceConcentrations(flag, conc_c, bc_conc, N, interior, dirichlet_faces2, ...
                          dirichlet_faces1,  bc, nf, nc);

   s.N = N;
   s.G = G;

function dval = grad(val, bc_val, nf, C, ...
                     is_dirichlet_faces1, dirichlet_faces1, ...
                     is_dirichlet_faces2, dirichlet_faces2)

   signed_bc_val = sparse(nf, 1);
   signed_bc_val(dirichlet_faces1) = - bc_val(is_dirichlet_faces1);
   signed_bc_val(dirichlet_faces2) = + bc_val(is_dirichlet_faces2);
   dval = C*val + signed_bc_val;


function conc_f = faceConcentrations(flag, conc_c, bc_conc, N, interior, ...
                                                 dirichlet_faces2, dirichlet_faces1, ...
                                                 bc, nf, nc)
   index        = (1:nf)';
   upCell       = N(:, 2);
   upCell(flag) = N(flag, 1);

   % On the interior cell we use upwind
   Mint = sparse(index(interior), upCell(interior), 1, nf, nc);

   logical_dirichlet_faces1 = zeros(nf, 1);
   logical_dirichlet_faces1(dirichlet_faces1) = 1;
   logical_dirichlet_faces1 = logical(logical_dirichlet_faces1);
   logical_dirichlet_faces2 = zeros(nf, 1);
   logical_dirichlet_faces2(dirichlet_faces2) = 1;
   logical_dirichlet_faces2 = logical(logical_dirichlet_faces2);

   external_faces1 = N(:,2)==0;
   external_faces2 = N(:,1)==0;

   % On the exterior faces where no Dirichlet conditions are given we take the value given in
   % the interior cell.
   Mext1 = sparse(index(external_faces1 & ~logical_dirichlet_faces1), ...
                  N(external_faces1 & ~ logical_dirichlet_faces1, 1), 1, nf, nc);
   Mext2 = sparse(index(external_faces2 & ~logical_dirichlet_faces2), ...
                  N(external_faces2 & ~ logical_dirichlet_faces2, 2), 1, nf, nc);

   % On the Dirichlet boundary cells we use upwind, taking the values from boundary
   % conditions when needed We assume flag is logical

   assert(islogical(flag), 'Upstream indices must be given as logical');
   Mdir1 = sparse(index(flag & logical_dirichlet_faces1), ...
                  N((flag & logical_dirichlet_faces1), 1), 1, nf, nc);
   Mdir2 = sparse(index(~flag & logical_dirichlet_faces2), ...
                  N((~flag & logical_dirichlet_faces2), 2), 1, nf, nc);

   M = Mint + Mext1 + Mext2 + Mdir1 + Mdir2;

   % Values of saturation from Dirichlet boundary conditions.
   dconc_all = sparse(nf, 1);
   dconc_all(bc.dirichlet.faces) = bc_conc;
   dconc = sparse(nf, 1);
   dconc(flag & logical_dirichlet_faces2)  = dconc_all( flag & logical_dirichlet_faces2);
   dconc(~flag & logical_dirichlet_faces1) = dconc_all(~flag & logical_dirichlet_faces1);

   conc_f = M*conc_c + dconc;


Published October 8, 2014