Project consortium
Partners in the FOBIS consortium come from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The participants in the project is 6 core partners (listed below) and a number of resource persons from Nordic companies and organisations that will participate and contribute to the project workshops (see appendix). People outside the Nordic region has also contributed to the project. The resource persons have been chosen for their competence and have close links to the partners in the consortium.

The project consortium consists of:

SINTEF (consortium leader), Norway,
is a research organisation performing contract research and development for industry and public sector.

Sensor Technology Center A/S, Denmark,
is a network organisation offering knowledge and competencies necessary to develop, produce, and bring to market sensors.

VTT, Biosensors group, Finland,
is developing biosensors and measurement systems for applications in biomedical engineering, clinical diagnostics, environmental and process monitoring.

S-SENCE, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden,
is a centre of excellence in bio- and chemical sensor science and technology.

MedCoast, Norway,
is a Swedish Norwegian networking membership organisation founded this year to strengthen and develop the biomedical sector in the Gothenburg-Oslo region.

The Swedish Research Defence Agency (FOI), Division of NBC Defence,
conducts research in areas concerning security and protection of the society from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats including weapons of mass destruction.

Published October 30, 2006

NICe project 2005-2006

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