On this page you will also find slides from various presentations given by members of the Collab project team. Feel free to download the presentations to view them on your own computer. However, you may not use any of the content in your own documents without giving us prior notice and providing proper references.

A comprehensive publication list is found here


  • Brodtkorb, A.R., Hagen, T.R., Schulz, C., Hasle, G.:  GPU computing in discrete optimization. Part I: Introduction to the GPU. EURO J Transp Logist (2013) 2:129–157. DOI: 10.1007/s13676-013-0025-1.
  • Schulz, C., Hasle, G., Brodtkorb, A.R., Hagen, T.R.: GPU computing in discrete optimization. Part II: Survey focused on routing problems. EURO J Transp Logist (2013) 2:159–186. DOI 10.1007/s13676-013-0026-0.
  • Talbi E.-G., G. Hasle: Editorial, Special Issue Metaheuristics on GPU. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Volume 73, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 1-3, ISSN 0743-7315, 10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.09.014. 


  • Schulz C.: Efficient local search on the GPU—Investigations on the vehicle routing problem, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 73, issue 1 (January, 2013), p. 14-31, ISSN 0743-7315, 10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.02.020.
  • Brodtkorb A. R., T. R. Hagen, M. L. Sætra: Graphics processing unit (GPU) programming strategies and trends in GPU computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 73, issue 1 (January, 2013), p. 4-13, ISSN 0743-7315, 10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.04.003.


  • Hasle G., C. Schulz: How to program efficient optimization algorithms on Graphics Processing Units - The Vehicle Routing Problem as a case study. Seminar (invited talk) at the University of Newcastle, Australia, July 6 2011.
  • Schulz C.: Efficient Local Search on the GPU -  Investigations on the Vehicle Routing Problem. SINTEF Report A19678, ISBN 978-82-14-04984-8, May 2011.
  • Schulz C., G. Hasle: Neighborhood Evaluation on GPU for the DCVRP - Discrete optimization needs heterogeneous computing. Invited talk at ROUTE 2011, Sitges, Spain, June 1 2011.
  • Hasle G., Schulz C., Hagen T. R.: “The Beach Law” does not hold any more - Discrete optimization needs heterogeneous computing. Invited talk (seminar) at CORAL, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus, Denmark, March 16 2011.


  • Schulz C., Hasle G., Kloster O., Riise A., Smedsrud M.: Parallel local search for the CVRP on the GPU. Invited talk at The 3rd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META’10), Djerba, Tunisia, October 28 2010.
  • Hasle G., Kloster O., Riise A., Schulz C., Smedsrud M.: Using Heterogeneous Computing for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems. Presented at the Seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), Tromsø, Norway, June 20-25, 2010. TRISTAN VII Book of Extended Abstracts, p354. VII - Details - Current.pdf .

Published June 16, 2011