
The CoDePEM project's innovation was based on implementing combinatorial exploration via plasma deposition of thin film libraries to identify affordable combinations of substrate-coating for bipolar plates in PEM electrolyzers. This method was successfully applied to optimize bipolar plates based on more affordable coating compositions considered in the project, facilitating accelerated innovation in BP materials through the exploration of compositional spread coatings libraries.
The most important achievements of the CoDe-PEM Project include:
• Establishment of a successful partnership based on knowledge sharing and focused on developing technical solutions for hydrogen energy optimization, a subject less explored in Romania.
• Development of a research tool for accelerated innovation via thin film compositional spreads, facilitated by equipment for magnetron sputtering purchased with project funds and installed at the Romanian partner's institution.
• Development of methods for accurate measurement of interfacial contact resistance, a critical characteristic of bipolar plate performance.
• Identification of coating compositions with reduced platinum content and less expensive substrates for use in bipolar plates.
• Organization of webinars on green energy in Norway and Romania, attracting audiences from around the world.
The project integrated research groups from the Institute of Renewable Energy at Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania, with the research group from SINTEF, Norway. The collaboration was characterized by complementary experience, with interdisciplinary partnership involving scientists in hydrogen generation, electrochemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering. Partners benefited from knowledge sharing, improved managerial and communication skills, and interaction with society.
The project taught valuable lessons in collaborating on high-priority research topics for European society and establishing viable partnerships with potential for future collaboration and expansion in funding applications. The collaboration during the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for adaptable communication methods and strategies to overcome challenges in knowledge transfer and joint experiments.
The CoDe-PEM Project had a significant impact on Romanian society at institutional and societal levels. Institutionally, it supported the advancement of new energy solutions, positioning the institution as a leader in hydrogen energy research. Societally, it demonstrated efforts to connect research with activities promoting new energy sources and Romania's contribution to the field. For SINTEF, the Norwegian partner, the project provided an opportunity to collaborate successfully with a Romanian partner and disseminate information about Norway's advancements in green energy solutions and research on more affordable hydrogen generation equipment to Romanian society.
· S. Lædre, C.M. Craciunescu, T. Khoza, N.Vaszilcsin, A. Kellenberger, V. Bolocan, I. Mitelea, A. Ercuta, Issues regarding bipolar plate-gas diffusion layer interfacial contact resistance determination, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 530, 231275.
· M. L. Dan, A. Kellenberger, D. Duca, N.Vaszilcsin, C.M. Craciunescu, I. Mitelea, A. Ercuta, S.Lædre, T. Khoza, Corrosion resistance of AISI 442 and AISI 446 ferritic stainless steels as a support for PEMWE bipolar plates, Materials, 2023, 16, 1501.
· K. McCay, C. Craciunescu, S. Andrenacci, A. Kellenberger, M. Stange, M. L. Dan, T.Khoza, S. Lædre, Steel Based Bipolar Plates for Proton Exchange Water Electrolysis, AMPP CORROSION, 2023, AMPP-2023-19236.
· A. Kellenberger, N. Vaszilcsin, M. L. Dan, I. Mitelea, A. A. Geana, S. Lædre, C.M. Craciunescu, Corrosion Investigation of AISI 446 and Ti-coated AISI 446 Ferritic Stainless Steel as Potential Material for Bipolar Plate in PEMWE using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2024, 37, 607-619.
· S. Lædre, C. M. Craciunescu, T. Khoza, N. Vaszilcsin, A. Ercuta, Novel Coatings and Resistance Measurement Methods for Bipolar Plates, Oral presentation at the European Hydrogen and Energy Conference 2022, Madrid, Spain, May 18th -20th, 2022.
· C.M.Craciunescu, S. Laedre, N. Vaszilcsin, T. Khoza, M.L. Dan, A.Kellenberger, D. Duca, A. Ercuta, I. Mitelea, AISI 442 and 446 ferritic stainless steel as a support for bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers, Poster presentation at WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2, Istanbul, Turkey, June 26-30, 2022.
· A.Kellenberger, N.Vaszilcsin, M. L. Dan, I. Mitelea, A. A.Geana, S.Lædre, C.M. Craciunescu, Corrosion issues of bipolar plate materials used in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers, Oral presentation at 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – South East Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, June 3-7, 2024.
Patent application:
System and method for determining the electrical resistance at interfacial contact