- Name
- Nina Dahl
- Title
- Research Director, SINTEF (Leader)
- Organization
Organisation and People
The implementation of the infrastructure is organised in three main work packages, in addition to the overall management. WP2 on design, tender and procurement is led by Vidar Broholm at NTNU, with support from Anne Kvithyld at SINTEF. WP3 is responsible for the logistics related to the installation of the equipment in our laboratories, and is led by Eli B. Larsen at NTNU, in cooperation with Karen S Osen at SINTEF. WP4 is responsible for establishing outreach activities in cooperation with the infrastructure management, access systems for external as well as internal research activities, and systems for covering operational costs of the infrastructure. This WP is led by Halvor Dalaker at SINTEF, with Gabriella M Tranell as the deputy.
The TEMP management reports to a steering committee consisting of the Heads of Departments at NTNU and Research Directors at SINTEF of the departments hosting the infrastructure. The Steering committee leader is Nina Dahl, research manager at SINTEF.

The TEMP Steering Committee
- Name
- Duncan Akporiaye
- Title
- Research Director, SINTEF
- Organization
- Name
- Jens-Petter Andreassen
- Title
- Professor, Head of Department, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU
- Organization
- Name
- Ida Westermann
- Title
- Professor, Head of Department, Department of Materials and Engineering, NTNU
- Organization
The TEAM Project Management Team
- Name
- Arne Petter Ratvik
- Title
- Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF
- Organization
- Name
- Gabriella Tranell
- Title
- Professor, NTNU
- Organization
- Name
- Vidar Broholm
- Title
- Head of Administration, NTNU
- Organization
- Name
- Anne Kvithyld
- Title
- Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF
- Organization
- Name
- Eli Beate Jakobsen Larsen
- Title
- Senior Engineer, NTNU
- Organization
- Name
- Karen Sende Osen
- Title
- Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF
- Organization
- Name
- Halvor Dalaker
- Title
- Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF
- Organization