Journal Publication (optional)

TCCS 12 special issue of Carbon Capture Science & Technology

Carbon Capture Science & Technology, a journal published by IChemE and Elsevier, will be publishing a special issue featuring full scientific papers from presentations given at the TCCS-12. The journal is a gold open-access journal, but the publication fee will be waived for all contributions to this special issue.

Authors are invited to submit full scientific papers of their conference presentations for consideration for publication in the special issue. Papers for the special issue will need to meet the aims and scope requirements for the journal as detailed at Carbon Capture Science & Technology

Pages for guidelines on manuscript preparation and to submit your manuscript.

When submitting your manuscript please select the article type ‘SI: TCCS12’. The site will open to submissions on 19 June 2023. Deadline for submission is 15 October 2023. Papers will be subjected to the standard journal peer review process.

The journal special issue is guest edited by Hanna Knuutila (NTNU, Norway), Anna Korre (Imperial College London, UK) and Svend Tollak Munkejord (SINTEF, Norway).

The journal is a gold open access journal however we are pleased to announce that the publication fee will be waived for all contributions to this special issue. This means that all papers in the special issue will be freely accessible to all ensuring a wider reach as possible.

For any queries, please contact journal