Elastopoli Oy

Elastopoli Oy was found in 2002 and now has 9 employees. Elastopoli is a technology development company and the company’s primary function is commercializing development work achieved in R&D and scientific projects through a close collaboration between universities, development and commercial companies. Main focus areas of Elastopoli Oy are development of natural fiber based composites, technical expertise management, laboratory services and tailored product development work.

The expertise f Elastopoli is in compounding and producing natural material filled polymers. Elastopoli has also developed its own method of producing natural fiber composites from a wet mixture of polymers, natural fibers and chemicals. The core competence area is finding most efficient compatibility between various materials and polymer matrixes and optimizing the compounding process. Also the environmental testing of these materials is an important competence area of Elastopoli.

Type of organisation


Markku Nikkilä


Published May 29, 2012