
Chapter proposal for a forthcoming book on MRST
All prospective authors of a chapter in the new MRST book must express their interest to the editors as soon as possible, and in any case, no later than September 15 2019. The expression of interest does not need to follow any specific format, but must contain the information described below. For illustration, we have filled in content for a plausible chapter contribution.
Title: Using the Multiscale Restricted-Smoothing Basis (MsRSB) Method in Reservoir Simulation
Authors w/affiliation: Olav Møyner and Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF Digital
Contact: Olav.Mø

The multiscale restricted-smoothing basis (MsRSB) method is the current state-of-the-art within multiscale methods. MsRSB is very robust and versatile can either be used as an approximate coarse-scale solver having mass-conservative subscale resolution, or as an iterative fine-scale solver that will provide mass-conservative solutions for any given tolerance. The performance of the method has been demonstrated on incompressible 2-phase flow, compressible 2 and 3-phase black oil models, as well as compositional models. It has also been demonstrated that the method can utilize combinations of multiple prolongation operators, e.g., corresponding to coarse grids withdifferent resolutions, adapting to geological features, adapting to wells, or moving displacement fronts.

This chapter explains the basic ideas of the MsRSB method, including methods to construct coarse partitions, prolongation, and restriction operators, reduction of the fine-scale flow equations to a coarse-scale system, and formulation as part of a two-level iterative solver. We outline the key functions in the module and  show various examples of how the method can be used as an iterative solver for incompressible and compressible flow on 2D rectilinear grids, unstructured grids, and 3D stratigraphic grids.

  1. O. Møyner and K.-A. Lie. A multiscale restriction-smoothed basis method for high contrast porous media represented on unstructured grids. J. Comput. Phys, Vol. 304, pp. 46-71, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/
  2. O. Møyner and K.-A. Lie. A multiscale restriction-smoothed basis method for compressible black-oil models. SPE Journal, Vol. 21, No. 06, pp. 2079-2096, 2016. DOI: 10.2118/173265-PA
  3. S. T. Hilden, O. Møyner, K.-A. Lie, and K. Bao. Multiscale simulation of polymer flooding with shear effects. Transport in Porous Media, Volume 113, Issue 1, pp. 111-135, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-016-0682-2
  4. S. Shah, O. Møyner, M. Tene, K.-A. Lie, and H. Hajibeygi. The multiscale restriction smoothed basis method for fractured porous media (F-MsRSB). J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 318, pp. 36-57, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/
  5. K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner, J. R. Natvig, A. Kozlova, K. Bratvedt, S. Watanable, and Z. Li. Successful application of multiscale methods in a real reservoir simulator environment. omput. Geosci., Vol. 21, Issue 5-6, pp. 981-998, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10596-017-9627-2
  6. K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner, and J. R. Natvig. Use of multiple multiscale operators to accelerate simulation of complex geomodels. SPE Journal, Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp. 1929-1945, 2017. DOI: 10.2118/182701-PA
  7. O. Møyner and H. A. Tchelepi. A mass-conservative sequential implicit multiscale method for isothermal equation-of-state compositional problems. SPE Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 2376-2393, 2018. DOI: 10.2118/182679-PA
Module name:  msrsb
Short description:  Implements the multiscale restricted-smoothing basis (MsRSB) method for incompressible and compressible flow
Dependencies: incomp, coarsegrid
Expected delivery:  October 15 2019
Graphical illustration:  

Please send this information to the editors with the subject line "Chapter proposal for MRST book",   and

Published May 29, 2019