
Plenary Abstracts

Tu1 - Quick overview of MRST and some of its most recent features

Author: Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF Digital

Keywords: mrst

Module dependencies: N/A


Abstract: In this talk, we give a quick overview of the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox, including how it is organized, how to get started, and how to navigate and make use of the extensive documentation. We also discuss and highlight some of its recent features, including state functions and backends for fast simulations, and the example suite - a brand new way of cataloging examples.

Video recording:

Tu2 - MRST in education: Learning CO2 storage, multi-phase flow and programming from scratch

Author: Florian Doster, Ahmed ElSheikh, Institute of Geoenergy Engineering, Heriot Watt University

Keywords:CO2 storage, energy transition, field development, education

Module dependencies: co2lab, ad-blackoil, mrst-gui


Abstract: The energy transition requires to rethink the education of (petroleum) reservoir engineers and geoscientists. Further, digitalisation of workflows and data collection increases the need to have basic programming skills even for traditional geologists. Hence, in an MSc program ‘Subsurface Energy Systems’ it is not sufficient to train the students how to use ECLIPSE and PETREL as these tools might not be available in the work environment and not even suitable for the application at hand. MRST provides the ideal platform in this context and in this presentation I will present how we have adapted MRST in our new MSc program. We use the graphical user interface (GUI) of the vertically integrated model (VIM) in CO2lab to let student explore CO2 storage operations without prior knowledge on neither CO2 storage, programming, flow in porous materials and reservoir simulation. We then use scripts in the AD-blackoil framework to accompany the education on multiphase flow in porous media and reservoir simulation. Last, we use an adapted version of the VIM in a field development project of a CO2 storage site.

Video recording:

Tu3 - The UPR Module: Unstructured PEBI Grids Conforming to Lower-Dimensional Objects

Author: Runar Lie Berge - Volda University College, Øystein Klemetsdal - SINTEF Digital, Knut-Andreas Lie - SINTEF Digital

Keywords:Voronoi grid, PEBI-grid generation, Surface conforming, Cell-center conforming, fractures, Near-well refinement

Module dependencies: UPR


Abstract: We will have an in depth look at the UPR module in MRST, which can construct unstructured Voronoi grids that conform to polygonal boundaries and geometric constraints in arbitrary dimensions prescribed inside the reservoir volume. The resulting volumetric tessellations are usually realized as locally orthogonal, perpendicular bisector (PEBI) grids, in which cell faces can be aligned to accurately preserve objects of codimension one (curves in 2D and surfaces in 3D) and/or cell centroids can be set to follow curves in 2D or 3D. This enables you to accurately model faults, let grid cells follow horizontal and multilateral well paths, or create lower-dimensional or volumetric representations of fracture networks. The module offers methods for improving grid quality, like configurable policies for treating intersecting geometric object and handling conflicts among constraints, methods for locating and removing conflicting generating points, as well as force-based and energy-minimization approaches for optimizing the grid cells. You can use UPR to create a consistent hierarchy of grids that represent the reservoir volume, the constraining geometric objects (surfaces and curves), as well as their intersections. The hierarchy is built such that the cell faces of a given (sub)grid conform to the cells of all bounding subgrids of one dimension lower.

Video recording:

Tu4 - ad-micp: A third-party module for MRST to study CO2 leakage remediation by microbially induced calcite precipitation

Author: David Landa-Marbán (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Bergen, Norway) Svenn Tveit (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Bergen, Norway) Kundan Kumar (University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway) Sarah Eileen Gasda (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Bergen, Norway)

Keywords:Carbon capture and storage (CCS), Leakage mitigation and remediation, Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP), Reactive transport, GNU Octave

Module dependencies: ad-eor


Abstract: MICP is a new and sustainable technology which utilizes biochemical processes to create barriers by calcium carbonate cementation; therefore, this technology has a potential to be used for sealing leakage zones in geological formations. We have developed a mathematical model for this technology suitable for field-scale studies. Further information on the model can be found in In this talk, we focus on details in the implementation of this MICP mathematical model in MRST. This implementation is largely based on the polymer examples in the ad-eor module (black-oil model + one transport equation). We have added two additional transport equations and two mass balance equations to model the transport of dissolve components (suspended microbes, oxygen, and urea) and solid phases (biofilm and calcite). In addition, we have implemented dispersion of transported components, permeability changes due to calcite and biofilm formation, and biofilm detachment due to shear forces. The spatial discretization is performed using internal functions in MRST and the external mesh generator DistMesh. There are seven numerical examples accompanying this module where MICP studies are performed on different 1D, 2D, and 3D flow systems. The ad-micp module was first implemented in the 2020b MRST release, but it has been updated to the latest MRST release (2021a) and it is compatible with GNU Octave.

Video recording:

Tu5 - Seismic history matching integrating SeReM and MRST

Author: Mingliang Liu (Stanford University) and Dario Grana (University of Wyoming)

Keywords:seismic history matching, data assimilation, tensor decomposition, SeReM

Module dependencies: MRST-co2lab


Abstract: Seismic history matching is typically a high-dimensional and severely non-linear inverse problem, which is commonly used in energy resources engineering and carbon dioxide sequestration for reservoir characterization with uncertainty quantification. However, it is computationally demanding for high-dimensional geological models. In this work, we propose a randomized tensor decomposition method to sparsely represent the seismic data and reservoir models using latent features and then perform data assimilation in the low-dimensional model and data space. We will use a case study of CO2 storage to illustrate the workflow and show the application of SeReM and MRST in seismic history matching, including the features of SeReM (e.g., rock physics, geostatistics and inversion functions) and the fluid flow simulation using MRST.

We1 - A practical near-wellbore modeling method for horizontal well in corner-point grid background

Author: Lin Zhaoa,c, Knut-Andreas Lieb, Atgeirr F. Rasmussenbb, Stein Krogstadb, Hanqiao Jianga, Junjian Lia a. China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Changping District, 102200 Beijing, China b. Mathematics and Cybernetics, SINTEF Digital, 0314 Oslo, Norway c. CNOOC Research Institute, Chaoyang District, 100028 Beijing, China

Keywords:Horizontal well, Near-wellbore modeling, Gridding, Coupled-flow

Module dependencies: nwm, ad-blackoil, ad-core, upr


Abstract: Some field operations of horizontal wells (HW) require high resolution flow description in the well vicinity and inside the wellbore, such as water-control treatment, acid fracturing. This paper introduces a near-wellbore modeling method on MRST platform. The method brings two technical contributions, i.e., a hybrid gridding method and a coupled-flow model. The hybrid gridding retains the original Corner-point grid (CPG) in far-HW region, and reconstructs the CPG to refinement grids in near-wellbore region. The refinement grids comprise a layered Voronoi grid and a segmented radial grid. The segmental radial grid is built along the real HW trajectory, with a new gradual radial grid lines to adapt varying HW depth. The layered Voronoi grid glues the far-well CPG to the radial grid. The use of circumcircles of boundary edges enables the exact positioning of boundary nodes. Moreover, the void region inside wellbore is also gridded with a segmental wellbore grid which shares same segment configuration with radial grid. The wellbore grid has tailored geometry according to downhole tools, such as tubing, packers, and ICDs. The four sub grids together constitute the hybrid grid where coupled flow model is built. Specifically, the flow patterns include the linear porous flow in CPG and Voronoi grid, radial porous flow in radial grid, and pipe flow in wellbore grid. The porous flows are modeled directly by standard MRST ad-blackoil framework. In addition, the radial transmissibility is incorporated into overall transmissibility system. The implementation of pipe flow relies on the multi-segment well facility model (MSW). The cells and faces in wellbore grid represent nodes and segments in MSW. The pressure drop (PD) models are defined by flow paths and downhole tools, such as frictional PD, ICD additional PD. Furthermore, the flow of plugging agent injected into the wellbore and reservoir can also be modeled equivalently by polymer model. The performance of the near-wellbore model is demonstrated in three validation cases. The model is shown to provide results in close agreement with those of reference in cases where the direct comparisons are performed.

Video recording:

We2 - Numerical Interpretation of SCAL Experiments using MRST

Author: Holger Ott, Omideza Amrollahinasab, Siroos Azizmohammadi, Pit Arnold. Montanuniversität Leoben

Keywords: SCAL

Module dependencies: ad-core, ad-blackoil, ad-props

URL: The code will be made available online after further testing and refinement

Abstract: Relative permeability (kr(SW)) and capillary pressure (PC(SW)) saturation functions are key uncertainties in reservoir engineering. Therefore, many resources are devoted to measuring these key functions for various operations. Despite the effort and the time needed to perform SCAL experiments, it is not yet customary to simulate SCAL data (Special Core Analysis) or to perform numerical history matching for their interpretation. However, a comprehensive numerical description is important in order to reliably extract kr(SW) and PC(SW) with a realistic estimate of uncertainties. In this presentation, we discuss a Matlab-MRST-based SCAL interpretation tool for simultaneous matching of SCAL data sets form different experiments. For this purpose, we discuss the kr(SW) and PC(SW) saturation functions, the SCAL experimental workflow and the limitations of the classical interpretation methods. We focus on the most common SCAL methods namely steady-state relative permeability and centrifuge capillary pressure. These (and other) techniques have been implemented in the numerical workflow beyond the current best standard. Thereby, we attach importance on the uncertainty analysis, which is the basis for an honest and stochastic evaluation of the reservoir performance.

Video recording:

We3 - Numerical Modelling of Fractured Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Author: Olufemi Olorode, Bin Wang, and Harun Rashid. All authors are affiliated with Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Keywords:Shale oil/gas reservoirs, stochastic natural fractures, 3D projection-based embedded discrete fracture model, compositional reservoir simulation, naturally fractured reservoirs, diffusion modeling, sorption modeling, stress-dependent permeability, unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, pEDFM.

Module dependencies: hfm, compositional, shale


Abstract: The significant increase in the contribution of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs to the world’s total petroleum production has led to a corresponding interest in the study of these resources over the last decade. Various researchers have focused on the study of storage and transport mechanisms that are unique to these naturally fractured unconventional resources. In this talk, I will show how to extend MRST to model these physical mechanisms using a shale module that we have developed. Some of the features of this module include the modelling of sorption, molecular diffusion, stress-sensitive permeability, and realistic fractures in any orientation. This talk will start with a discussion of the design of our shale module, where I will show how we extend the hfm module for embedded discrete fracture modeling (EDFM) to provide the ability for projection-based EDFM. I will then show how we combine this with the compositional module to facilitate the modeling of fractured compositional reservoirs. To demonstrate the practicality of our shale module, I will show how we model different shale oil reservoirs with hundreds of stochastic natural fractures and arbitrary orientation in a 3D domain. This presentation will end with a discussion of how to implement certain storage and transport mechanisms that are unique to shale oil/gas reservoirs.

Video recording:

We5 - BATMO: An MRST Extension for Modelling Batteries

Author: Simon Clark (SINTEF Industry), Xavier Raynaud (SINTEF Digital), Halvor Møll Nilsen (SINTEF Digital)

Keywords:Battery, Electrochemistry, Energy Storage, Finite Volume, Simulation

Module dependencies: mrst-core, mrst-autodiff, mrst-solvers, mrst-visualization, mrst-multimodel

URL: Not yet public

Abstract: High-performance batteries are essential to technological progress in the 21st century. Across many technological fields, from electric vehicles (EV) to stationary grid-scale storage, engineers demand batteries that are cheaper, safer, longer-lasting, and more energy dense. To meet these demands, the battery industry needs tools to better understand the cell processes that determine performance and predict the effects of new materials or component designs. In this contribution we present BATMO: an extension of the MRST designed to model the dynamic performance of electrochemical devices. BATMO implements state-of-the-art continuum models for Li-ion battery performance, giving designers important insight into how local conditions in battery electrodes are affected by different operating profiles. Building on the advanced solver capabilities in MRST, BATMO aims to support the battery community with fast and powerful open-source modelling tools.

Video recording:

Published September 9, 2021