VEM: Virtual Element Methods
The module implements first and second-order virtual element methods for Poisson-type flow equations
DescriptionThis module has been developed by Øystein Klemetsdal as part of his master thesis [1], which was supervised by Xavier Raynaud from SINTEF ICT. Virtual element methods (VEM) constitute a unified framework for higher-order methods on general polygonal and polyhedral grids. The vem module can be used to solve general incompressible flow problems using first- and second-order VEM, with the possibility to choose different inner products. Applications of the methods to unstructured grids that adapt to geological features, as generated by the upr module, can be found in Klemetsdal et al. [2]. The paper also contains comparisons with TPFA and consistent solvers (mimetic, MPFA, NTPFA), which all are implemented in MRST. Literature