
Download instructions VE
Thank you very much for your interest in downloading the Vertical Equilibrium Module of MRST

VE-MRST 2012a

The most recent edition of the VE module was released on the 20th of February, 2012.

Please click the on the following link to download the sources to the current release, VE2012a.

The MATLABĀ® software has built-in support for extracting the contents of GZip-compressed TAR files through its 'untar' function. If you have an active installation of MRST, and you have permission to write contents into the 'modules' directory under the main MRST directory, then you may extract the data set directly using the following statement

untar('VE2012a.tar.gz', fullfile(ROOTDIR, 'modules'))

The output directory will be created if it does not already exist.


If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions, please contact .

Published October 14, 2009