
Release Notes for MRST 2023a

Highlights of MRST 2023a

The new release comes with some improvements in functionality and minor bug fixes. In particular we would like to highlight the following: 

  • We are now on GitHub! MRST has an official mirror at that offers an easy way to clone all repositories that go into the release. We plan to migrate MRST’s development to GitHub in the near future, but you can already use the mirror to file issues, participate in discussions and get an up-to-date version of MRST between releases. For users who are not comfortable with git and the occasional broken feature, we still recommend downloading the releases from the website. 
  • Enhanced capabilities for the summaryViewer GUI which reads and displays summary files from OPM Flow. See below for more details.
  • Major enhancements to the geothermal module including multisegment wells, support for fracture reservoirs with DFM modelling, support for source terms. See below for more details.

Changes to existing modules


  • Internal changes to the linear solver: reordering before Schur complement reduction for better flexibility, e.g., when working with models where cell-type variables are not ordered conescutively, or for elimination of a subset of variables such as hybrid cells in discrete fracture models. 
  • New experimental CompositeModel for combining multiple models. Useful e.g., for combining different physics, and for coupled simulation of multiple reservoirs. 


  • Several of the legacy models with explicit phase names (e.g. TwoPhaseOilWaterGas...) have better support for regions so they are in sync with the Generic versions. 
  • Fix error for SWATINIT initialization when capillary pressure is absent 
  • Minor improvements to robustness of plotting and set up of cases 


  • Updated support for parsing multisegment wells. These require some manual setup to be used in MRST but can be passed directly to the Jutul backend. 
  • Summary file reader now recognises “NUMS” field to enable showing inter-region, per-region, per-cell, per-segment, per-connection, and per-aquifer summary vectors. 
  • Restart file reader supports inputting a subset of existing restart step data. 
  • Function ‘addWellFromTrajectory’ will optionally return the actual trajectory—i.e., the traversed cells. 
  • Function convertRestartToStates now also produces “wellSol” fields from restart files generated by OPM Flow. 


  • Support for passing all parameters for multisegment wells 
  • Support for writing cases with facility surface conditons other than the default 
  • Robustness fixes to input writer 


  • Handlers for plot plane in plotToolbar can be returned to get access to the plane values in a script 
  • Enhanced capabilities for summaryViewer which reads summary files from OPM flow (and other simulators) and display results in interactive GUI.  Enhancements include improved selection/search functionality and option for displaying and comparing multiple cases.  


  • Support for multisegment wells, leveraging the new composite model framework in ad-core 
  • Support for simulation of fractured reservoirs with discrete fracture modelling (DFM) 
  • Support for source terms 
  • Several new examples demsontrating new functionality 

Published March 22, 2023