

Arbeidets tittel

Catherine Grini

LECO. Task 1

Catherine Grini

Jonsvollskvartalet. LECO

Haase, M., Andresen, I., Wigenstad, T.

Energy-efficient building refurbishment in Norway

Haase M, Sartori I, Druric N, Høseggen R

Simulation of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway

Haase, M.*, Andresen, I., and Wigenstad, T.

Energy-efficient building refurbishment in Norway
(CISBAT conference, Lausanne, Switzerland)

Haase, M.*, Andresen, I., Time, B., and Hestnes, A.G.

The role of air tightness and heat recovery in the ventilation system of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway.
(BuildAir /AIVC conference, Berlin, Tyskland)

Haase, M.

Workshop om Ramsmoen Terrasse Tynset - Integrert Energi Design.
(Kontorlokalet til arkitekt Andersen + Fremming, Hamar)

Haase, M.

Kriterier for passivhus- og lavenergibygg – Yrkesbygg .
(NAL seminar – Tema offentlige bygg, Trondheim)

Haase, M.

Energibruk i fem kontorbygg .
(NAL seminar – Tema offentlige bygg, Trondheim)

Haase, M.*, Grini, C., and Wigenstad, T.

Measurement and simulation of a commercial building in Norway.
(IEECB10, Frankfurt, Tyskland)

Finocchiaro, L

Morphological Implications of Passive Control 
(NTNU, Trondheim)

Finocchiaro, L

Morphological Implications of Passive Techniques in Office Buildings Architecture
(IEECB10, Frankfurt, Tyskland)

Finocchiaro, L

Potential of Passive Cooling, Natural Ventilation and Solar Control in Cold Climates Office Buildings
(NTNU, Trondheim)

Finocchiaro, L

Relation Between Shape and Energy Use in Low Energy Office Buildings
(NTNU, Trondheim)

Publisert 18. oktober 2008

Ulrik Wigenstad