
WP1 Scenarios and inputs

Bagle, M., Maree, P., Walnum, H. T., & Sartori, I. (2021). Identifying grey-box models from archetypes of apartment block buildings. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conf. of IBPSA. DOI:

Leprince, J., Madsen, H., Miller, C., Palmer Real, J., van der Vlist, R., Basu, K., & Zeiler, W. (2022). Fifty shades of grey: Automated stochastic model identification of building heat dynamics. Energy and Buildings, (266) 112095. DOI:

Lien, S. K., Sandberg, N. H., Lindberg, K. B., Rosenberg, E., Seljom, P., & Sartori, I. (2022). Comparing model projections with reality: Experiences from modelling building stock energy use in Norway. Energy and Buildings, (268) 112186. DOI:

Palmer Real, J., Møller, J. K., Rasmussen, C., Lindberg, K. B., Sartori, I., & Madsen, H. (2021). Simulating heat load profiles in buildings using mixed effects models. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (2069), 012138, 8th Int. Building Physics Conf. (IBPC 2021). DOI:

Palmer Real, J., Møller, J. K., Li, R., & Madsen, H. (2022). A data-driven framework for characterising building archetypes: A mixed effects modelling approach. Energy, (254) 124278. DOI:


WP2 Modelling framework

Andersen, I. M. & Lindberg, K. B. (2021). Optimal investment decisions for a Zero Emission Building under uncertainty: Stochastic BUTLER. 2021 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), Vaasa, Finland. DOI:

Bagle, M., Delgado, B. M., Sartori, I., Walnum, H. T., & Lindberg, K. B. (2022). Integrating thermal-electric flexibility in Smart Buildings using grey-box modelling in a MILP tool. E3S Web of Conferences, 362(13003), BuildSim Nordic 2022. DOI:

Haaskjold, K. & Pedrero, R. A. (2022). Long-term optimization of the Norwegian energy system under the influence of the European power market. 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Lappeenranta, Finland. DOI:

Sartori, I., Lien, S., Bagle, M., Walnum, H. T., & Manrique, B. (2022). Development and testing of load flexibility KPIs in the ZEN definition. E3S Web of Conferences, (362) 13004, BuildSim Nordic 2022. DOI:


WP3 Results analysis and dissemination

Alonso Pedrero, R. & Crespo del Granado, P. (2023). Assessing the impact of energy communities on retailers' balancing positions in the power market. Energy, (283) 128384. DOI:

Alonso Pedrero, R., Vicent de Lestrade, V., Spetch, J., & Crespo del Granado, P. (2023). Value and effects of adopting residential flexibility in the European power system.  DOI:

Seljom, P., Rosenberg, E., & Haaskjold, K. (2023). The effect and value of end-use flexibility in the low-carbon transition of the energy system. In publication, available at SSRN:

Zhuravchak, R., Alonso Pedrero, R., Crespo del Granado, P., Nord, N., & Brattebø, H. (2021). Top-down spatially-explicit probabilistic estimation of building energy performance at a scale, Energy and Buildings, (238) 110786. DOI:


Non peer review

Lindberg, K. B., Bagle, M., Sartori, I., Seljom, P. M. S., Kvalbein, L., Rosenberg, E., Ahang, M., Tomasgard, A., & Jaehnert, S. (2020). Flexbuild Annual Report 1. Technical report with results analysis. SINTEF Academic Press.

Sartori, I., Lindberg, K. B., Bagle, M., Sandberg, N. H., Lien, S. K., Haugen, M., Seljom, P. M. S., Kvalbein, L., Alonso, R. P., Ahang, M., Crespo del Granado, P., Tomasgard, A., Palmer, J., Kloppenborg, J., & Madsen, H. (2022). Flexbuild Annual Report 2. Technical report with results analysis. SINTEF Academic Press.

Sartori, I., Alonso Pedrero, R., Bagle, M., Haaskjold, K., Rosenberg, E., Seljom, P., Schäffer, L. E., & Crespo del Granado, P. (2023). Flexbuild Final Report – The value of end-use flexibility in the future Norwegian energy system. SINTEF Academic Press.