Machine Design - Dette er hjemmesiden til tidsskriftet Machine Design. Klikk på "Technology Zones" og "Industry zones "på menyen til venstre. Har bl.a. en bra seksjon om materialer.
BASF's Injection Moulding Troubleshooting Guide - Black specks , charring streaks, cold slug , coloured streaks, deformation on demoulding, delamination, diesel effect, ejector marks, entrapped air, flash or overflow, glass fibre streaks, gloss differences, gramophone record effect, incomplete filling, jetting, matt areas around the gate or in sections of changing wall thickness, moisture streaks, mould deposit (plate out), sink marks, stress cracking, microcracks, tiger lines, unusual odour, voids, warpage, weld lines...
Design inSite - En designers database over materialer og bearbeidingsteknikker med tilhørende produkteksempler.
Endura Plastics - Diverse bakgrunnsinformasjon om sprøytestøping. Inneholder også en enkel materialdatabase.
The Enviromental Stress Cracking (ESC) Web Site - This site is intended to raise awareness of ESC and to create a knowledge resource for plastics designers and processors so that the durability of plastics products can be enhanced. The Web Site has a unique database of consistent ESC data of polymer/fluid combinations that have been fully characterised in terms of their thermodynamic parameters. It is intended to include a number of instructive case studies together with a number of 'Golden Rules' so that the lessons learnt from previous experience and mistakes are openly available.
DuPont - The "Top Ten" Design tips Check Lists Comparison of materials Cost-saving designs Gate positioning General assembly technology Materials selection Ribbing Tolerances Wall thickness Welding technology
DuPont - The "Top Ten" Moulding Problems Moisture in the granules Feed system too small Wrong gate position Hold time too short Wrong melt temperature Wrong tool temperature Poor surface finish Problems with hot runners Warpage Mould deposit
EWI's Guide to Welding Processes for Plastics - En god oversikt over sveisemetoder for plast.
General Plastex - En liten database med tips og feilsøkingslister med utgangspunkt i firmaets produkter: skruer, sylindre etc.
PMMDA's Buyers Guides Mould Temperature Controllers, Robots, Dryers, Granulators, Chillers.
SPE's Injection Molding Lessons - Åtte “leksjoner” i sprøytestøping.
Tampere University of Technology – The basics of injection moulding
Ticona – Calculation toolsTicona has designed a number of calculation tools for you that can be downloaded free of charge. With these software packages you are able to calculate functional elements, i.e. gear wheels, press-fit joints, snap-fit joints, worm gears, fastening with metal screws and integrally moulded threads.