About Us

Smart Sensor Systems: The department does research within biomedical instrumentation, sensor technologies, development of wearable sensor platform for physiological sensors, experience with Smartwear- the integration of sensors in textiles and clothing, development of algorithms and physical models for decision support. Human centred design of interactive systems
Software and Service innovation: This department carries out research on software engineering for the Internet of Things, Big Data, Human computer interactions and Security.
NTNU, Centre for Elite Sports Research (SenTIF)
Research group defined as the national center responsible for elite sports research in Norway. Research revolves around key issues of the Norwegian elite sports, using an interdisciplinary physiological and biomechanical perspective. Access to world-class lab facilities and test subjects. Education of one PhD.
Olympiatoppen is a part of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, with responsibility for the results and work quality in Norwegian elite sports. Olympiatoppen has established a collaboration with NTNU concerning research and development of elite sport. This collaboration is formalized in the establishment and support of the Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science at NTNU. Olympiatoppen provides service to top athletes in all areas that make athletes competitive in their sports, including coaching, athletes' health, mental well-being, training, testing of physiological functions, etc. Hence, OLT has unique access to elite athletes for research purposes, which is of importance for this project.
Oslo University Hospital, Department of Neurology, UllevÄl
The largest MS clinic in Norway diagnosing and treating patients with MS. Experienced in MS-research and also clinical trials. Will be responsible for recruiting patients and perform testing in the MS case.
MS-Senteret Hakadal
National rehabilitation centre for persons with MS owned by the Norwegian MS Society and member of RIMS (Rehabilitation in MS in Europe, European Network for best practice and research). A key centre for specialized MS rehabilitation with experience in MS-research and clinical trials. Will be a subcontractor for OUS.
University of Oslo, Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis
Signal processing and image analysis for applications in medical imaging, sonar, seismics, and remote sensing.