GoTools Core Library File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
ApproxCurve.h [code]
ApproxSurf.h [code]
Array.h [code]
BaryCoordSystem.h [code]
BaryCoordSystemTriangle3D.h [code]
binom.h [code]
BoundedSurface.h [code]
BoundedUtils.h [code]
BoundingBox.h [code]
brent_minimize.h [code]
BsplineBasis.h [code]
ClassType.h [code]
closestPtCurves.h [code]Declaration file for an intersection function operating on objects of class ParamCurve belonging to geometry
closestPtCurves2D.h [code]Declaration file for an intersection function operating on objects of class ParamCurve belonging to geometry
closestPtCurveSurf.h [code]Declaration file for an intersection function operating on object of class ParamCurve and ParamSurface belonging to geometry
closestPtSurfSurfPlane.h [code]Declaration file for an intersection function operating on object of class ParamCurve belonging to geometry
CompositeBox.h [code]
CompositeSurface.h [code]
config.h [code]
ConstraintDefinitions.h [code]
CoonsPatchGen.h [code]
CoordinateSystem.h [code]
CPUclock.h [code]
CreatorsUtils.h [code]
CrossTangentOffset.h [code]
CrossTanOffDist.h [code]
CurvatureAnalysis.h [code]Functions computing fundamental forms and curvature
CurvatureUtils.h [code]
CurveBoundedDomain.h [code]
CurveCreators.h [code]
CurveLoop.h [code]
CurveOnSurface.h [code]
DirectionCone.h [code]
Domain.h [code]
doxymain.h [code]
errormacros.h [code]
EvalCurve.h [code]
EvalCurveSet.h [code]
extremalPtSurfSurf.h [code]Declaration file for an intersection function operating on objects of class ParamSurface belonging to geometry
Factorial.h [code]
Factory.h [code]
GeneralFunctionMinimizer.h [code]
GeneralFunctionMinimizer_implementation.h [code]
GeometryTools.h [code]Free functions operating on geometry module objects
GeomObject.h [code]
GoIntersections.h [code]Declaration file for a set of free intersection functions operating on object belonging to GoTools but using the functionality of SISL
HahnsSurfaceGen.h [code]
HermiteAppC.h [code]
HermiteAppS.h [code]
HermiteGrid1D.h [code]
HermiteGrid1DMulti.h [code]
HermiteInterpolator.h [code]
Integrate.h [code]
Integration.h [code]
Interpolator.h [code]
LiftCurve.h [code]
LineCloud.h [code]
LoopUtils.h [code]
LUDecomp.h [code]
LUDecomp_implementation.h [code]
MatrixXD.h [code]
ObjectHeader.h [code]
orientCurves.h [code]
ParamCurve.h [code]
ParamSurface.h [code]
Point.h [code]
PointCloud.h [code]
ProjectCurve.h [code]
ProjectCurveAndCrossTan.h [code]
ProjectIntersectionCurve.h [code]
randomnoise.h [code]
Rational.h [code]
RectDomain.h [code]
RectGrid.h [code]
RotatedBox.h [code]
ScratchVect.h [code]
SISL_code.h [code]
SISLconversion.h [code]Declaration file for a set of free conversion functions between SISL and Spline curves and surfaces
sleep.h [code]
SmoothCurve.h [code]
SmoothSurf.h [code]
SmoothSurfSet.h [code]
SmoothTransition.h [code]
SolveCG.h [code]
SplineApproximator.h [code]
SplineCurve.h [code]
SplineDebugUtils.h [code]
SplineInterpolator.h [code]
SplineSurface.h [code]
SplineUtils.h [code]
Streamable.h [code]
SurfaceCreators.h [code]
timeutils.h [code]
Utils.h [code]
Values.h [code]Defines the constants MAXINT, MAXDOUBLE and M_PI if they are not defined by system
Volumes.h [code]

Generated on Mon Jun 11 14:48:19 2007 for GoTools Core Library by  doxygen 1.5.1