GoTools Core Library Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Go::ApproxCurveThis class can generate a B-spline curve that approximates a set of points for a given accuracy
Go::ApproxSurfThis class can generate a B-spline surface that approximates a set of points for a given accuracy
Go::Array< T, Dim >Compile-time sized array
Go::BaryCoordSystem< Dim >Encapsulates a barycentric coordinatesystem
Go::BaryCoordSystemTriangle3DA barycentric coordinate system for a triangle (2-manifold) embedded in 3D
Go::BoundedSurfaceThe class representing trimmed surfaces in Go
Go::BoundingBoxAxis-aligned bounding box
Go::BsplineBasisClass representing a B-spline basis of a spline space
Go::CompositeBoxComposite of two bounding boxes
Go::ConcreteCreator< T >This is the concrete Creator class for generating GeomObject-derived classes
Go::CoordinateSystem< Dim >Defines a Cartesian coordinate system
Go::CPUclockA class for measuring CPU time in programs
Go::CreatorAbstract base class for Creators
Go::CrossTangentOffsetThis curve represent an offset curve from a given space curve, along a direction obtained by blending two 'cross-tangent curves', and with an offset distance which is a linear function interpolating the cross-tangent length at the start and end of the curve
Go::CrossTanOffDistThis class defines an evaluator-based offset-curve
Go::CurveBoundedDomainA 2D parameter domain represented by its boundaries
Go::CurveLoopCurveLoop represents a closed loop defined by the composition of a set of curves
Go::CurveOnSurfaceMissing doxygen documentation class description
Go::DirectionConeClass representing a direction cone in Euclidian N-space The direction cone is characterised by a central direction and an angle 'alpha'
Go::DomainAbstract base class representing a 2D parameter domain
Go::EvalCurveThis is the abstract base class of a curve type that can be evaluated
Go::EvalCurveSetThis abstract class provides an interface to a set of curves that can be evaluated
Go::Factorial< N >Calculate the factorial of a given integer N
Go::Factorial< 1 >
Go::FactoryThis is the Factory for creating instances of GeomObjects of type requested by the user
Go::Fun2Fun< Functor >Brief description
Go::FunctionMinimizer< Functor >This is the FunctionMinimizer class that can be used ex
Go::GeomObjectBase class for geometrical objects (curves, surfaces, etc
Go::go_iterator_traits< Iterator >Iterator traits classes are provided for the Go namespace, so that we won't need to include
Go::go_iterator_traits< const T * >
Go::go_iterator_traits< T * >
Go::HermiteAppCThis class is used to generate a SplineCurve from a EvalCurve using Hermite interpolation
Go::HermiteAppSThis class is used to generate a set of SplineCurves from a EvalCurveSet (which itself represents a set of related curves) using Hermiet interpolation
Go::HermiteGrid1DThe type "GoHemiteGrid1D" holds a one dimensional grid containing sampled points and derivatives from a curve
Go::HermiteGrid1DMultiThe type "GoHemiteGrid1DMulti" holds a one dimensional grid containing sampled points and derivatives from a set of curves, as represented by a EvalCurveSet
Go::HermiteInterpolatorAn Interpolator that generates a hermite spline curve through given points and tangents
Go::InterpolatorBase class for spline interpolators or approximators
Go::InverseFactorial< T, N >Compute the inverse of the factorial of a given integer N, where T is typically 'float' or 'double'
Go::LiftCurveThis class represents a "lift curve", generated from taking a surface and a 2D curve and then evaluation the surface at the parameter values obtained by evaluating the 2D curve
Go::LineCloudGeomObject representing a collection of line segments in space
Go::MatrixXD< T, Dim >Square n-dimensional (compile time constant dim) matrix
Go::ObjectHeaderAn object representing the "header" usually preceeding a GeomObject in a stream
Go::ParamCurveBase class for parametric curves in Go
Go::ParamSurfaceBase class for parametric surfaces in Go
Go::PointRun-time sized point class
Go::PointCloud< Dim >Represent a cloud of points in 'Dim'-dimensional space
Go::ProjectCurveThis class represents the curve obtained by projecting a given 3D curve onto a given part of a given 3D surface
Go::ProjectCurveAndCrossTanEvaluator class representing the projection and and tangent curve given a set of input curves
Go::ProjectIntersectionCurveThis class provides an interface to a curve that can be evaluated
Go::RationalClass representing rational numbers
Go::RectDomainRepresents a rectangular parameter domain
Go::RectGridThis class represent the simplest of all quadrangulations: a rectangular grid
Go::Registrator< T >On some compilators (ie., VS6), the Register() function cannot be used directly
Go::RotatedBoxA rotated version of CompositeBox
Go::ScratchVect< T, N >A template Vector class that behaves much like the std::vector template, but stores its elements on the stack rather than on the heap as long as the total size stays less than 'N' (template argument)
Go::sideConstraintStruct defining linear side constraints between control points in a surface
Go::sideConstraintSetStruct defining linear side constraints between control points in a set of surfaces
Go::SmoothCurveThis class is used to generate a spline curve from a given spline space that approximates a set of weighed data points
Go::SmoothSurfThis class modifies a tensor product B-spline surface with respect to conditions on smoothness, editing constraints and boundary conditions
Go::SmoothSurfSetThis class modifies a set of tensor product B-spline surfaces with respect to conditions on smoothness, editing constraints and boundary conditions
Go::SmoothTransitionThis abstract class provides an interface to a curve that can be evaluated
Go::SolveCGSolve the equation system Ax=b where A is a symmetric positive definite matrix using the Conjugate Gradient Method
Go::SplineApproximatorAn Interpolator that generates a spline curve approximating the given dataset in the least squares sense
Go::SplineCurveSplineCurve provides methodes for storing, reading and manipulating rational and non-rational B-spline curves
Go::SplineInterpolatorAn Interpolator that generates a spline curve interpolating the given dataset
Go::SplineSurfaceSplineSurface provides methodes for storing, reading and manipulating rational and non-rational B-spline surfaces
Go::StreamableBase class for streamable objects, ie
Go::CoonsPatchGen::UnKnownErrorException class

Generated on Mon Jun 11 14:48:18 2007 for GoTools Core Library by  doxygen 1.5.1