
00001 //===========================================================================
00002 // GoTools - SINTEF Geometry Tools version 1.1
00003 //
00004 // GoTools module: CORE
00005 //
00006 // Copyright (C) 2000-2007 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics, Norway.
00007 //
00008 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or          
00009 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License            
00010 // as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. 
00011 //
00012 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        
00013 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         
00015 // GNU General Public License for more details.                           
00016 //
00017 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      
00018 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software            
00019 // Foundation, Inc.,                                                      
00020 // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,                                           
00021 // Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.                                           
00022 //
00023 // Contact information: E-mail:                      
00024 // SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,                         
00025 // P.O. Box 124 Blindern,                                                 
00026 // 0314 Oslo, Norway.                                                     
00027 //
00028 // Other licenses are also available for this software, notably licenses
00029 // for:
00030 // - Building commercial software.                                        
00031 // - Building software whose source code you wish to keep private.        
00032 //===========================================================================
00033 #ifndef _SISL_CODE_H
00034 #define _SISL_CODE_H
00036 //===========================================================================
00037 // SISL DEFINEs
00038 //===========================================================================
00040 /* Name of geometry objects. Used in branching. */
00041 #define SISLPOINT    0
00042 #define SISLCURVE    1
00043 #define SISLSURFACE  2
00046 //===========================================================================
00047 // SISL structs
00048 //===========================================================================
00050 //===========================================================================
00051 typedef struct SISLdir
00052 //===========================================================================
00053 {
00054   int igtpi;                    /* 0 - The direction of the surface or curve
00055                                        is not greater than pi in any
00056                                        parameter direction.
00057                                    1 - The direction of the surface or curve
00058                                        is greater than pi in the first
00059                                        parameter direction.
00060                                    2 - The direction of the surface is greater
00061                                        than pi in the second parameter
00062                                        direction.                            */
00063   double *ecoef;                /* The coordinates to the center of the cone.*/
00064   double aang;                  /* The angle from the center whice describe the
00065                                    cone.                                     */
00066   double *esmooth;              /* Coordinates of object after smoothing.    */
00067 } SISLdir;
00068  /* The following structure contains 3 different boxes. The
00069     first box is the plain box given by the coefficients of the
00070     object. The second box is expanded with the half of a given
00071     tolerance. The third box is expanded with half the tolerance
00072     in the inner and for the vertices at the edges/endpoints
00073     a distance of half the tolerance is removed. The minimum and
00074     maximum values of the boxes are given by the arrays
00075     e2min[0] - e2min[2] and e2max[0] - e2max[2]. The tolerances used
00076     when making the boxes are stored in etol[0] - etol[2]. etol[0]
00077     will always be equal to zero. If a box is made, the pointers
00078     belonging to this box points to arrays, otherwise they point
00079     to SISL_NULL.                                                       */
00081 //===========================================================================
00082 typedef struct SISLbox
00083 //===========================================================================
00084 {
00085   double *emax;                 /* The minimum values to the boxes.          */
00086   double *emin;                 /* The maximum values to the boxes.          */
00087   int imin;                     /* The index of the min coeff (one-dim case) */
00088   int imax;                     /* The index of the max coeff (one-dim case) */
00090   double *e2max[3];             /* The minimum values dependant on tolerance.*/
00091   double *e2min[3];             /* The maximum values dependant on tolerance.*/
00092   double etol[3];               /* Tolerances of the boxes.                  */
00093 } SISLbox;
00095 //===========================================================================
00096 typedef struct SISLCurve
00097 //===========================================================================
00098 {
00099   int ik;                       /* Order of curve.                           */
00100   int in;                       /* Number of vertices.                       */
00101   double *et;                   /* Pointer to the knotvector.                */
00102   double *ecoef;                /* Pointer to the array containing vertices. */
00103   double *rcoef;                /*Pointer to the array of scaled vertices if
00104                                   rational.  */
00105   int ikind;                    /* Kind of curve
00106                                    = 1 : Polynomial B-spline curve.
00107                                    = 2 : Rational B-spline curve.
00108                                    = 3 : Polynomial Bezier curve.
00109                                    = 4 : Rational Bezier curve.             */
00110   int idim;                     /* Dimension of the space in which the curve
00111                                    lies.      */
00112   int icopy;                    /* Indicates whether the arrays of the curve
00113                                    are copied or referenced by creation of the
00114                                    curve.
00115                                    = 0 : Pointer set to input arrays.
00116                                    = 1 : Copied.
00117                                    = 2 : Pointer set to input arrays,
00118                                          but are to be treated as copied.   */
00119   SISLdir *pdir;                /* Pointer to a structur to store curve
00120                                    direction.      */
00121   SISLbox *pbox;                /* Pointer to a structur to store the
00122                                    surrounded boxes. */
00123   int cuopen;                   /* Open/closed flag.                         */
00124 } SISLCurve;
00126 //===========================================================================
00127 typedef struct SISLIntcurve
00128 //===========================================================================
00129 {
00130   int ipoint;                   /* Number of points defining the curve.      */
00131   int ipar1;                    /* Number of parameter directions of first
00132                                    object.                                   */
00133   int ipar2;                    /* Number of parameter directions of second
00134                                  * object.                                   */
00135   double *epar1;                /* Pointer to the parameter-values of the
00136                                    points
00137                                    in the first object.                      */
00138   double *epar2;                /* Pointer to the parameter-values of the
00139                                    points
00140                                    in the second object. If one of the objects
00141                                    is an analytic curve or surface epar2 points
00142                                    to nothing.                               */
00143   SISLCurve *pgeom;             /* Pointer to the intersection curve in the
00144                                    geometry space. If the curve is not
00145                                    computed, pgeom points to nothing.       */
00146   SISLCurve *ppar1;             /* Pointer to the intersection curve in the
00147                                    parameter plane of the first object. If
00148                                    the curve is not computed, ppar1 points
00149                                    to nothing.                              */
00150   SISLCurve *ppar2;             /* Pointer to the intersection curve in the
00151                                    parameter plane of the second object. If
00152                                    the curve is not computed, ppar2 points
00153                                    to nothing.                              */
00154   int itype;                    /* Kind of curve.
00155                                    = 1 : Straight line.
00156                                    = 2 : Closed loop. No singularities.
00157                                    = 3 : Closed loop. One singularity.
00158                                          Not used.
00159                                    = 4 : Open curve. No singularity.
00160                                    = 5 : Open curve. Singularity at the
00161                                          beginning of the curve.
00162                                    = 6 : Open curve. Singularity at the end
00163                                          of the curve.
00164                                    = 7 : Open curve. Singularity at the
00165                                          beginning  and end of the curve.
00166                                    = 8 : An isolated singularity. Not used.
00167                                    = 9 : The curve is exact, pgeom and either
00168                                          ppar1 or ppar2 is set.      */
00170   int pretop[4];                /* Pretopology */
00171 } SISLIntcurve;
00173 //===========================================================================
00174 typedef struct SISLIntsurf
00175 //===========================================================================
00176 {
00177   int ipoint;                   /* Number of points defining the curve.    */
00178   int ipar;                     /* Number of parameter directions of       */
00179   double *epar;                 /* Pointer to the parameter-values of the
00180                                    points, dimension: ipoint*ipar          */
00181   int *const_par;               /* Constant parameter direction between
00182                                    two points in epar.                     */
00183 } SISLIntsurf;
00185 //===========================================================================
00186 typedef struct SISLIntpt
00187 //===========================================================================
00188 {
00189   int ipar;                     /* Number of parameter directions in
00190                                  * intersection problem.                     */
00191   double *epar;                 /* Parametervalues of point, possibly in two
00192                                  * objects.                                  */
00193   double adist;                 /* Distance between the objects in this point.
00194                                  * tdist is used in closest point problems.  */
00195   struct SISLIntpt *pcurve;     /* Not used, kept for compatibility with old
00196                                    version on the structure.*/
00197   int iinter;                   /* = 1 ORDINARY MAIN POINT
00198                                    = 2 SINGULAR MAIN POINT
00199                                    = 3 TRIM MAIN POINT
00200                                    = -1 ORDINARY HELP POINT
00201                                    = -2 SINGULAR HELP POINT
00202                                    = -3 TRIM HELP POINT */
00203   struct SISLIntpt **pnext;     /* Pointers to next points in each curve
00204                                  * chain.                                   */
00205   int *curve_dir;               /* An array of curve directions + from - to
00206                                  * this point.                              */
00207   int no_of_curves;             /* Number of curves containing this point.  */
00208   int no_of_curves_alloc;       /* The size of the arrays allocated         */
00209   int *left_obj_1;              /* Pretopology information, one for each
00210                                  * curve.                                   */
00211   int *left_obj_2;              /* Pretopology information, one for each
00212                                  * curve.                                   */
00213   int *right_obj_1;             /* Pretopology information, one for each
00214                                    curve.                                   */
00215   int *right_obj_2;             /* Pretopology information, one for each
00216                                    curve.                                   */
00217   int size_1;                   /* Size of geo_data_1                       */
00218   int size_2;                   /* Size of geo_data_2                       */
00219   double *geo_data_1;           /* Containing geometric info first object   */
00220   double *geo_data_2;           /* Containing geometric info second object  */
00221   /*  double  geo_aux[3]; Containing auxiliary geo info, see sh6idput*/
00222   double geo_track_3d[10];      /* To store intersection curve info */
00223   double geo_track_2d_1[7];
00224   double geo_track_2d_2[7];
00225   int edge_1;                   /* Edge flag for topology           */
00226   int edge_2;
00227   int marker;                   /* Help attribute when creating lists  */
00228   int evaluated;                /* Help attribute when creating tracks */
00229   struct SISLTrimpar *trim[2];          /* Used if pt is in trim curve. */
00230   int iside_1;                  /* Left/right evaluator flag.  -1,0+ */
00231   int iside_2;                  /* Left/right evaluator flag.  -1,0+*/
00232 } SISLIntpt;
00234 //===========================================================================
00235 typedef struct SISLIntlist
00236 //===========================================================================
00237 {
00238   SISLIntpt *pfirst;            /* Pointer to first point in list. */
00239   SISLIntpt *plast;             /* Pointer to last point in list.  */
00240   int ind_first;                /* Index pointer in pfirst         */
00241   int ind_last;                 /* Index pointer in plast          */
00242   int itype;                    /* Status of curve-segment.
00243                                = 0 : open curve, no singularities.
00244                                = 1 : closed curve, no singularities.
00245                                = 2 : more than two curves meet at start point.
00246                                = 3 : more than two curves meet at end point.
00247                                = 4 : more than two curves meet at start
00248                                      and end point.
00249                                = 5 : isolated singularity.
00250                                = 6 : touching area of surface.            */
00251   int inumb;                    /* Number of points in the list.          */
00252   int pretop[4];                /* Pretopology */
00253 } SISLIntlist;
00257 //===========================================================================
00258 typedef struct SISLIntdat
00259 //===========================================================================
00260 {
00261   SISLIntpt **vpoint;
00262   int ipoint;
00263   int ipmax;
00264   SISLIntlist **vlist;
00265   int ilist;
00266   int ilmax;
00267 } SISLIntdat;
00271 //===========================================================================
00272 typedef struct SISLSurf
00273 //===========================================================================
00274 {
00275   int ik1;                      /* Order of surface in first parameter
00276                                    direction.       */
00277   int ik2;                      /* Order of surface in second parameter
00278                                    direction.      */
00279   int in1;                      /* Number of vertices in first parameter
00280                                    direction.     */
00281   int in2;                      /* Number of vertices in second parameter
00282                                    direction.    */
00283   double *et1;                  /* Pointer to knotvector in first parameter
00284                                    direction.  */
00285   double *et2;                  /* Pointer to knotvector in second parameter
00286                                    direction. */
00287   double *ecoef;                /* Pointer to array of vertices of surface. */
00288   double *rcoef;                /* Pointer to the array of scaled vertices
00289                                    if surface is rational. */
00290   int ikind;                    /* Kind of surface
00291                                    = 1 : Polynomial B-spline tensor-product
00292                                          surface.
00293                                    = 2 : Rational B-spline tensor-product
00294                                          surface.
00295                                    = 3 : Polynomial Bezier tensor-product
00296                                          surface.
00297                                    = 4 : Rational Bezier tensor-product
00298                                          surface.                           */
00299   int idim;                     /* Dimension of the space in which the surface
00300                                    lies.    */
00301   int icopy;                    /* Indicates whether the arrays of the surface
00302                                    are copied or referenced by creation of
00303                                    the surface.
00304                                    = 0 : Pointer set to input arrays.
00305                                    = 1 : Copied.
00306                                    = 2 : Pointer set to input arrays,
00307                                          but are to be treated as copied.               */
00308   SISLdir *pdir;                /* Pointer to a structur to store surface
00309                                    direction.    */
00310   SISLbox *pbox;                /* Pointer to a structur to store the
00311                                    surrounded boxes. */
00312   int use_count;                /* use count so that several tracks can share
00313                                    surfaces, no internal use */
00314  int cuopen_1;                  /* Open/closed flag, 1. par directiion */
00315  int cuopen_2;                  /* Open/closed flag. 2. par direction  */
00316 } SISLSurf;
00318 typedef struct SISLTrack
00319 {
00320   SISLSurf *psurf_1;            /* Pointer to first surface in intersection */
00321   SISLSurf *psurf_2;            /* Pointer to second surface in intersection */
00322   SISLCurve *pcurve_3d;         /* Pointer to 3D support curve. */
00323   SISLCurve *pcurve_2d_1;       /* Pointer to 2D support curve in first
00324                                    parameter space. */
00325   SISLCurve *pcurve_2d_2;       /* Pointer to 2D support curve in second
00326                                    parameter space. */
00327   int ideg;                     /* Type of track.
00328                                     = 0, Bspline vs Bspline
00329                                 = 1, Bspline vs Plane
00330                                 = 2, Bspline vs Quadric surface
00331                                 = 1001 Bspline vs Torus surface
00332                                 = 1003 Bspline silhouette line, parallel
00333                                   projection
00334                                 = 1004 Bspline silhouette line, perspective
00335                                   projection
00336                                 = 1005 Bspline silhouette line, circular
00337                                   projection */
00339   double eimpli[16];            /* Description of the implicit surface */
00340   int turned;                   /* Connection between the direction of the
00341                                    support curve and the cross product
00342                                    between the two surface normals.
00343                                 = 0, same direction
00344                                 = 1, oposite direction */
00345   int exact;                    /* Flag if curve is exact */
00346   int pretop[4];                /* Pretopology */
00347   int sing_start;               /* Singular start end point markers */
00348   int sing_end;
00349 } SISLTrack;
00351 //===========================================================================
00352 typedef struct SISLPoint
00353 //===========================================================================
00354 {
00355   double ec[3];
00356   int idim;                     /* The dimension the point lies in           */
00357   double *ecoef;                /* Pointer to the array containing the
00358                                    coordinates */
00359   int icopy;                    /* Indicates whether the arrays of the point
00360                                    are copied or referenced by creation of
00361                                    the point.
00362                                    = 0 : Pointer set to input arrays.
00363                                    = 1 : Copied.
00364                                    = 2 : Pointer set to input arrays,
00365                                          but are to be treated as copied.    */
00367   SISLbox *pbox;                /*Pointer to a structur to store the boxes.  */
00368 } SISLPoint;
00370 //===========================================================================
00371 typedef struct SISLObject
00372 //===========================================================================
00373 {
00374   int iobj;                     /* Integer indicates which kind of geometric
00375                                    object is contained in a particular
00376                                    instance of the structure.
00377                                    = 1 (SISLCurve) - curve.
00378                                    = 2 (SURFACE) - tensor-product surface.   */
00379   SISLPoint *p1;                /* Pointer to a point (instance of Point).   */
00380   SISLCurve *c1;                /* Pointer to a curve
00381                                  * (instance of SISLCurve).                  */
00382   SISLSurf *s1;                 /* Pointer to a surface
00383                                  * (instance of SISLSurf).                   */
00384   struct SISLObject *o1;        /* Pointer to parent object
00385                                  * (instance of Object).                     */
00386   struct SISLObject *edg[4];    /* Pointer to objects edges
00387                                  * (instance of Object).                     */
00388   struct SISLObject *psimple;   /* Indicates if object/object intersection
00389                                  * is simple case. */
00390 } SISLObject;
00392 //===========================================================================
00393 typedef struct SISLPtedge
00394 //===========================================================================
00395 {
00396   SISLIntpt *ppt;               /* Pointer to intersection points.      */
00397   struct SISLPtedge *pnext;     /* Pointer to next element in the list. */
00398 } SISLPtedge;
00400 //===========================================================================
00401 typedef struct SISLEdge
00402 //===========================================================================
00403 {
00404   int iedge;                    /* Number of edges/endpoints of object.      */
00405   int ipoint;                   /* Number of intersection points found on
00406                                  * the edges.                                */
00407   SISLPtedge **prpt;            /* Array containing lists of pointers to the
00408                                  * intersections at the edges.               */
00409 } SISLEdge;
00413 //===========================================================================
00414 // SISL constructors/destructors
00415 //===========================================================================
00416 SISLObject   *newObject(int);
00417 SISLCurve    *newCurve(int,int,double *,double *,int,int,int);
00418 void freeCurve(SISLCurve *);
00419 SISLSurf     *newSurf(int,int,int,int,double *,double *,double *,int,int,int);
00420 void freeIntcrvlist(SISLIntcurve **,int);
00421 void freeIntcurve(SISLIntcurve *pintc);
00422 void freeSurf(SISLSurf *);
00424 //===========================================================================
00425 // SISL functions directly used by 'sisl_dependent'
00426 //===========================================================================
00428 void s1220(double *et,int ik,int in,int *ileft,
00429            double ax,int ider,double ebder[],int *jstat);
00430 void s1310(SISLSurf *,SISLSurf *,SISLIntcurve *,double,double,int,int,int *);
00431 void s1314(SISLSurf *,double *,double *,int,double,double,double,
00432            SISLIntcurve *,int,int,int *);
00433 void s1421(SISLSurf *,int,double [],int *,int *,double [],double [],int *);
00434 void s1770(SISLCurve *,SISLCurve *,double,double,double,double,double,
00435            double,double,double *,double *,int *);
00436 void s1851(SISLSurf *,double [],double [],int,double,double,
00437            int *,double **,int *,SISLIntcurve ***,int *);
00438 void s1859(SISLSurf *,SISLSurf *,double,double,
00439            int *,double **,double **,int *,SISLIntcurve ***,int *);
00441 void sh1857(SISLCurve *,SISLCurve *,double,double,int,int *,SISLTrack ***,
00442             int *,double **,double **,int **,int *,SISLIntcurve ***,int *);
00444 double s6scpr(double e1[],double e2[],int idim);
00445 void s6err(char *,int,int);
00449 #endif // _SISL_CODE_H

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