The main goal of this project is to be a platform for research, knowledge, methods and stakeholders within the development of an economically and environmentally sustainable biorefinery of seaweeds (macroalgae).

The focus is on product development from the cultivated algal species Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and eventually Palmaria palmata, as well as on the utilization of wild harvested species like Laminaria hyperborea and Ascophyllum nodosum for new products.
The project group consists of the seaweed research groups at NTNU and SINTEF, with NMBU, Nofima and Møreforsking as the research partners. A range of companies within cultivation, processing and product development is also associated to the project and will be a great support for the scientists.
The knowledge platform receives funding from the Research Council of Norway for 5 years (2019-2024).