Internal funding by SINTEF, BioTrix and NTNU and external funding through the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and industry partners (mainly oil industry) has formed the basis for all projects and activities related to the Calanus finmarchicus culture.

Initially RCN-funding (2004-2009) paved the way for the establishment of the continuous culture of Calanus finmarchicus at NTNU (Deparment of Biology). An internal funding at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry in 2007 (total budget 1550 KNOK) provided valuable freedom to conduct optimalization of culture, test systems and analytical endpoints from a biological point of view. The overall aim was to establish a battery of endpoint to be used for assessment of long-term effects of chemicals (mainly oil industry-related). The project Calanomics was launched at SINTEF aiming at establishing methodology for genomics and metabonomics for Calanus. In collaboration between different SINTEF departments (SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, Marine Environmental Technology and Biotechnology) the overall objective is to conduct systems biology related science on C. finmarchicus, and use this knowledge to give a better scientific basis for future environmental risk and damage/impact assessment following acute oil spills (and other chemical spills).

In total, these internal, industry- and RCN-funded projects have provided a necessary infrastructure and competence located at SINTEF/NTNU Sealab, and Calanus finmarchicus is an essential part of ongoing projects, research and development:

  • Potential effects of produced water on pelagic organisms (NOROG, 2016-2017)

  • ENERGYBAR (Research Council of Norway, 2013-2016)

  • Effects of ocean acidification scenarios and combined stress on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Research Council of Norway, 2010- 2013)

  • Understanding fitness-related effects of dispersed oil on Calanus finmarchicus (Research Council of Norway, 2010-2012)
  • Decision support tool for marine oil spills - numerical modelling of fate, and spill response strategies for spilled oil in near-shore water (Research Council of Norway, 2010- 2013)
  • Effects of dispersed oil in the water column (Statoil, Eni Norge and Shell, 2010-2012)
  • Comparatox: Effects of dispersants and shoreline cleaning agents (2011)
  • Calanomics (internal SINTEF project, 2008-2011)
  • REACT (Reducing the Environmental Impact of Acid Gas Cleaning Technology) (NFR, StatoilHydro, Shell, 2006-2010)
  • Studies on the toxic effects of oil droplets (StatoilHydro ASA/Eni Norge)
  • Long-term -chronic - effects of produced water effluents affecting reproduction in marine crustacean plankton. Phase 2 (NFR)
  • The impact of mercury (Hg) on Arctic food webs (NTNU, COPOL)
  • Effects CO2 exposure on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus (NTNU, StatoilHydro)

Published February 27, 2008

Calanus finmarchicus - a new and relevant test species for assessing effects of toxicants and climate changes in the marine environment.