2018: Practical Artificial intelligence


The 18th Geilo Winter School in eScience was held Sunday January 21st to Friday January 26th 2018 in Geilo, Norway.

The 2018 edition was an exciting new school on the topic of Practical use of Artificial Intelligence. Techniques within artificial intelligence are now able to extract knowledge from vast amounts of data on level we have not seen before, and AI has been a game changer for a range of application areas in recent years. This winter school will focus on the practical aspects of artificial intelligence and equip participants with the skills required to run machine learning tasks on their own data targeting their problems.

Part of the school will be a tutorial on using artificial intelligence techniques, with a large number of hands-on exercises for participants to fully grasp the topic. The aim is that the school becomes an interactive workshop with a high level of participant involvement. During the course of the winter school, you will learn different techniques, which libraries that implement these, and try them out for yourself. Participants are encouraged to prepare their own data and problems that they want to solve during the winter school. 


The winter school will focus on practical use of artificial intelligence techniques, and cover tools and techniques such as artificial neural networks, deep learning, tensorflow, practical iartificial intelligence, machine learning, regression, concurrent neural networks, regression, scikit-learn. The tools and techniques area applicable to a wide range of problems, and examples on data from climatology, the automotive industry, image processing, etc. 

Daily Program

The winter school starts on Sunday afternoon with an introductory lecture, and continues until Friday after lunch. Each day starts with a morning session, a long mid-day break (well spent skiing and socializing), and two afternoon lectures. Participants should bring their own laptops to the school. 

The 2018 winter school flyer can be downloaded as a pdf here.


Andres Masegosa Arredondo Dr. Andres Masegosa has a Ph.D. in computer science from Universidad de Granada, Spain, and has been working on the AMISDT EU funded project (http://project.amidsttoolbox.com) for analyzing massive data streams with probabilistic graphical models. He is currently working as Principal Investigator in the project "INFER.java: A probablistic programming language for developing machine learning applications on big data" at the Universidad de Almeria.
Topics: The AMIDST toolbox, http://www.amidsttoolbox.com/


Eivind Fonn Dr. Eivind Fonn has a PhD from ETH Zurich and is a research scientist at SINTEF Digital. He works with applied mathematics, reduced order modeling, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Topics: Machine learning and practical artificial intelligence



Anne C. Elster Professor Anne C. Elster is the founder and leader of the NTNU HPC-lab with a focus on GPU and high performance computing. She is currently involved in the CLOUDLIGHTNING project funded by the European Union, where she has been involved in the use of artificial intelligence and heterogeneous resources for HPC.
Topics: Using artificial intelligence to develop HPC


Adil Rasheed Dr. Adil Rasheed is a senior scientist at SINTEF Digital and an associate professor at NTNU. He is the research manager for the Computational Science and Engineering group, and has a key role in the Big-Learning initiative within SINTEF.
Topics: Tutorial on machine learning and practical artificial intelligence



Kjetil André Johannessen Dr. Kjetil Andre Johannessen is a researcher at SINTEF Digital and a postdoc at NTNU, and has been working with isogeometry, spline technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning.
Topics: Tutorial on machine learning and practical artificial intelligence



Ole Christian Lingjærde Professor Ole Christian Lingjærde is affiliated with the research group focusing on Biomedical Informatics (BMI) at the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo. He is also head of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics group at the KG Jebsen Centre for Breast Cancer Research.
Topics: Regularization techniques for many covariates in regression and classification



Mandar Tabib Dr. Mandar Tabib is a research scientist at SINTEF Digital where he works with fluid dynamics, machine learning and artificial intelligence within wind energy, transport safety, biomedicine, chemical engineering, reactive multi-phase flow, and aviation runway safety.
Topics: Tutorial on machine learning and practical artificial intelligence



Malik Khan Dr. Malik M. Khan is a research scientist at NTNU, where he works on the EU project Cloudlightning financed by the Horizon 2020 programme. His work focuses on the efficient use of heterogeneous HPC resources in a cloud setting.
Topics: Using AI in complex software stacks.



Lecture notes

  • Prabilistic machine learning with AMIDST code and slides zip github
  • Scikit-learn tutorial with code and slides zip github




First name:Middle name(s):Last name:Affiliation / Home institution:Email
Asieh   Abolpour Mofrad HiOA/ PhD stipendiat asieh.abolpour-mofrad(¤)hioa.no
Samaneh   Abolpour Mofrad Western Norway University of Applied Sciences sam(¤)hvl.no
Anders   Albert Sintef anders0albert(¤)gmail.com
Vaneeda   Allken Havforskningsinstituttet vaneeda.allken(¤)hi.no
Erling   Andersen Haukeland University Hospital Erling.Andersen(¤)Helse-Bergen.NO
Brodtkorb   André SINTEF Andre.Brodtkorb(¤)sintef.no
Andres Masegosa Arredondo Universidad de Almeria andresma(¤)ual.es
Anis A. Ayati University of Oslo awalaa(¤)math.uio.no
Badreddine   BENYACOUB Young researcher in Mohammed VI International Academy of Civil Aviation b.benyacoub(¤)onda.ma
Runar   Berge University of Bergen runar.berge(¤)uib.no
Arne   Bøckmann DNV GL / UiO arne.bockmann(¤)dnvgl.com
Andreas   Brandsæter DNV GL and University og Oslo andreas.brandsaeter(¤)dnvgl.com
Giorgia   Carra K.U. Leuven giorgia.carra(¤)kuleuven.be
James Richard Catmore University of Oslo j.r.catmore(¤)fys.uio.no
Minjoo   Choi Sintef digital minjoo.choi(¤)sintef.no
Sindre Eik de Lange Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Sindreedelange(¤)gmail.com
Peder   Eliasson SINTEF peder.eliasson(¤)sintef.no
Anne Cathrine Elster NTNU  
Sarah   Fallmann De Montfort University sarah.fallmann(¤)dmu.ac.uk
Eivind   Fonn SINTEF Digital eivind.fonn(¤)sintef.no
andrea alessandro gasparini University of Oslo / Library / Inst. of Inf. a.a.gasparini(¤)ub.uio.no
Maryam   Ghaffari University of Bergen Maryam.Ghaffari(¤)uib.no
Sebastian   Gjertsen Shortcut AS sebastian.gjertsen(¤)shortcut.no
Odin   Gramstad DNV GL Odin.Gramstad(¤)dnvgl.com
Eirik   Gramstad Department of Physics, University of Oslo eirik.gramstad(¤)fys.uio.no
Renate   Grüner Haukeland university hospital renate(¤)fmri.no
Trond   Hagen SINTEF trr(¤)sintef.no
Andreas   Hammerbeck Høgskolen på Vestlandet Andreas_93(¤)hotmail.com
Nils Olav   Handegard Havforskningsinstituttet nilsolav(¤)hi.no
Cecilia   Holmgren Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics ciaholmgren3(¤)gmail.com
Ivar Thokle Hovden NTNU ivarthov(¤)stud.ntnu.no
Kjetil Andre Johannessen SINTEF Kjetil.Johannessen(¤)sintef.no
Malik   Kahn NTNU  
shaafi mohamed   kaja kamaludeen Delft university of technology s.m.kajakamaludeen(¤)tudelft.nl
Sathiesh   Kaliyugarasan Western Norway University of Applied Sciences skaliyugarasan(¤)hotmail.com
Diana   Karoseviciute Kaunas University of Technology d.karoseviciute(¤)gmail.com
Øystein Strengehagen Klemetsdal NTNU oystein.klemetsdal(¤)ntnu.no
Knut Erik   Knutsen DNV GL AS knut.erik.knutsen(¤)dnvgl.com
Makan   KONTE ISIM BUSINESS SCHOOL mkonte2(¤)hotmail.fr
Michael   Kraetzschmar Flensburg University of Applied Sciences kraetzschmar(¤)mathematik.fh-flensburg.de
Swetlana   Kraetzschmar Flensburg University of Applied Sciences swetlana.puschkarewskaja-kraetzschmar(¤)fh-flensburg.de
Trond   Kvamsdal SINTEF Digital Trond.Kvamsdal(¤)sintef.no
Johannes   Langguth Simula langguth(¤)simula.no
Jürgen   Lenz University of Stuttgart jhlenz(¤)gmail.com
Ole Christian   Lingjærde University of Oslo ole(¤)ifi.uio.no
Veronica   Liverud Krathe DNV GL veronica.krathe(¤)dnvgl.com
Arvid   Lundervold University of Bergen arvid.lundervold(¤)gmail.com
Jonas   Lundervold Handelshøyskolen BI Campus Bergen jonas.lundervold(¤)gmail.com
Ketil   Malde Institute of Marine Research ketil.malde(¤)imr.no
Signe   Moe Sintef Digital/NTNU ITK signe.moe(¤)itk.ntnu.no
Ahmed   Mohammed University of Oslo Library a.a.mohammed(¤)ub.uio.no
Daulet   Moldabayev Tryg Forsikring AS daulet.msu(¤)gmail.com
Felix Georg Mueller Fraunhofer IPA felix.mueller(¤)ipa.fraunhofer.de
Georg   Muntingh SINTEF Digital georg.muntingh(¤)sintef.no
Sean Meling Murray Universitetet i Bergen sean.meling(¤)gmail.com
Henrik   Nyhus OneSubsea hnyhus(¤)slb.com
Bogdan   Osyka Rystad Energy bogdan.osyka90(¤)gmail.com
Daniele   Panfilo Università degli studi di Trieste danielepanfilo(¤)gmail.com
Ulin Nuha Abdul Qohar Dept. of Mathematics University of Bergen Ulin.Qohar(¤)uib.no
Andrea   Raffo SINTEF Digital andrea.raffo(¤)sintef.no
Adil   Rasheed SINTEF Digital adil.rasheed(¤)sintef.no
Thomas   Roeblitz University of Oslo thomas.roblitz(¤)usit.uio.no
Hallvard   Røyrane-Løtvedt Tryg forsikring lothal(¤)tryg.no
Anne Marthine   Rustad SINTEF Digital annemarthine.rustad(¤)sintef.no
Nejm   Saadallah IRIS nejm.saadallah(¤)iris.no
Abdelhadi   SABRY Assistant professor / International Academy Mohammed 6th of Civil Aviation a.sabry(¤)onda.ma
Geir Inge   Sandnes Gjensidige geir-inge.sandnes(¤)gjensidige.no
Jakob Emil Schreiner Simula research Laboratory jakob(¤)simula.no
Nadia Emilie   Skoglund University of Bergen nadia.e.skoglund(¤)gmail.com
Anders D. Sleire Tryg Forsikring & University of Bergen sleand(¤)tryg.no
Lise   Stork Leiden University, Institute of Advanced Computer Science l.stork(¤)liacs.leidenuniv.nl
Erich   Suter IRIS Erich.Suter(¤)iris.no
MANDAR   TABIB SINTEF DIGITAL mandar.tabib(¤)sintef.no
Gunnar   Taraldsen NTNU matematikk gunnar.taraldsen(¤)ntnu.no
Warwick Bryan Tucker Uppsala university warwick(¤)math.uu.se
Knut Oddvar Høie Vadle University of Oslo, Department of Physics k.o.h.vadla(¤)fys.uio.no
Rick   van Veen Philips rick.van.veen(¤)philips.com
Torbjørn   Viksand SINTEF Digital torbjorn.viksand(¤)sintef.no
Christian Lukas Zünd University of Zurich christian.zuend(¤)uzh.ch