To build knowledge and techniques for removing the time and resource consuming bottleneck between design and analysis of complex products, by introducing high-quality 3D geometrical representations and methods for use throughout the product value chain.
Secondary objectives:
To define a common representation to be used both in design and analysis, hereafter termed an iso-geometric representation. This will be a water-tight representation of the complete volume.
To develop techniques for introducing the iso-geometric representations in legacy systems, within both design and analysis. - For design systems, to repair low-quality CAD-models such that high-quality iso-geometric CAD-models are formed. The new models can be used downstream inthe value chain and can easily be converted back to traditional CAD-representations. - For analysis systems, to interface the iso-geometric CAD-representations with traditional tools, such as simulation by Finite Element Methods (FEM).
To build prototypes of new and improved analysis tools, using FEM models derived from the iso-geometric representations. -To demonstrate the superiority of iso-geometric representations in design and analysis within chosen applications, using the developed prototypes.
To investigate the impact of having both a unified model through the value chain and a seamless integration between design and analysis/simulation. - To identify and investigate value added services that can be introduced due to the increased interactivity in the value chain, such as optimization of products. - To demonstrate enhancements in rich media applications, such as in true-to-life gaming applications, within the topic of integrated operations in the oil and gas industry and in health applications.