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Iso-geometry - Unified modelling for design and analysis in communicating organizations

Isogeometric representation and analysis

Isogeometric Analysis has the potential to achieve efficient integration of CAD and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) by introducing accurate shape representation. The success of isogeometic analysis will depend on changes both in CAD and FEA. On the one hand, CAD has to provide an approach for transforming volumes described by their inner and outer hulls to complete trivariate descriptions suited for analysis. On the other hand, FEA has to exploit the full potential of multivariate NURBS representations and algorithms by taking advantage of of NURBS represetnation over traditional finite elements.

SINTEF cordinates to national Norwegian projects within isogeoemtric representation and analysis:

  • Iso-geometry - Unified modelling for design and analysis in communicating organizations(2007-2011)
  • ICADA-  Integrated Computer Aided Design and Analysis (2008-2013)

SINTEF is also partner and EU funded project withing isogeometry

  • EXCITING - EXaCt geometry sImulaTIoN for optimized desiGn of vehicles and vessels (2008-2011)