The role of business processes in creation of adaptive health-care applications
Petar Lazarevski, Ivan Benc, and Jelena Jurisic. In proceedings of 31st Int. Convention MIPRO, May 26 - 30 2008 in Opatia, Croatia, Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology,Electronics and Microelectronics, 2008.


The number of cognitively impaired and elderly is rapidly increasing. The objective of health-care applications for elderly and cognitively impaired is supporting their independent living for a prolonged period with a good quality of life. The MPOWER project aims to achieve this goal through an innovative platform that provides a set of basic functionalities required in creation of advanced health-care applications for the stated target group. The MPOWER platform is based on service-oriented architecture that presents a model where platform's basic functionalities are decomposed into distinct independent units - services. The creation of advanced health-care applications is done through development of business processes that tie and synchronize the execution of platform's services. The expression of the application-specific logic in business processes enables rapid adaptation of the application by modification of the business processes rules. In this paper we describe the overall MPOWER platform architecture and demonstrate how a proof-of-concept application, showing the use of MPOWER services, can be easily adapted by modifying underlying business rules. 

Published May 26, 2008

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