Mitigating risks related to shallow landslides and debris flow
Recent climate trends have caused the Norwegian society to witness unprecedented challenges. One of which is frequent, large-scale geohazards events, such as landslides, snow avalanches, and debris flows. Climate projections for Norway indicate an increase in the frequency of triggering events for geohazards such as extreme events of rainfall, snowmelt and temperature changes. Simultaneously, the size of the population and infrastructure vulnerable to geohazards is projected to grow with the expected increase of the Norwegian population. These risks result in immediate knowledge needs that will support a thorough transition towards a climate aware, sustainable, growing and prosperous Norwegian society.
This project aims to reduce societal risks imposed by geohazards in the changing climate with a novel geohazards assessment framework (GAF) supported by the digital technology. The framework will be focused initially on mitigating risks related to shallow landslides and debris flow on a catchment scale. The development of the GAF will be guided with consideration for potential extensions to other types of geohazards in future studies. The development of the novel framework will be supported by a broad spectrum of opportunities in geohazards assessment that are provided by the recent advances in the environmental Internet of Things (IoT). The environmental IoT will support reduction of geohazards risks in the novel GAF through the development of (a) advanced technology for real-time monitoring of geohazards, (b) improved geohazards and climate prediction models, and (c) novel technical/economic opportunities. Resolving these knowledge needs will contribute to the ability of decision makers and infrastructure operators to gain direct insights in the effects of climate change on geohazards, develop robust geohazards predictions and early warning systems, and implement reliable risk reduction measures.
The project will involve research institutions SINTEF, NTNU, and MET, industry partners Nordic Semiconductor, Telia, and Geonor, and public partners NVE and NPRA. The project is supported by the Research Council of Norway within the KLIMAFORSK call.

Project participants
Bård Myhre
Senior Research Scientist- Name
- Bård Myhre
- Title
- Senior Research Scientist
- Phone
- +47 91 73 98 01
- Department
- Sustainable Communication Technologies
- Office
- Oslo
- Company