2005: Inverse Problems

Fifth Winter School in Computational Mathematics, Geilo, February 20-25, 2005:

The topic of the fifth winter school is inverse problems and parameter identification for PDE models. The winter school lasts one week from Sunday to Friday before lunch and consists of 16 double lectures. The lecturers are:

  • Sunday to Tuesday: Prof. Per Christian Hansen (DTU, Denmark), who will give an introduction to linear inverse problems and their (classical) theory.
  • Tuesday to Thursday: Dr. Martin Burger (Linz, Austria), who will focus on parameter identification problems for PDEs.
  • Thursday: Prof. Xue-Cheng Tai (Bergen), who will discuss parameter identification by level set and related methods.
  • Friday: Dr. Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen (Simula) and Dr. Marius Lysaker, who will focus on various inverse problems arising in connection with ECG (electrocardiogram) recordings.

Scientific committee: Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen(Simula Research Center/UiO) and Knut-Andreas Lie (SINTEF/UiO).


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Published October 14, 2010