Reports and publication related to CO2 separation and deposition in oil reservoirs and aquifers with participation of personnel from SINTEF Petroleum Research:
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1988: Environmental gas power combined with improved oil recovery – A pre-study. IKU report 34.2776.00/01/88 63p. (In Norwegian).
BOLLAND, O., HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1990: Offshore gas power without emissions of greenhouse gases combined with improved oil recovery – A continued pre-study. IKU report 34.2847.00/03/90 53p. (In Norwegian).
CHRISTENSEN, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1990: Improved energy utilization on production platforms. IKU report 34.2874.00/01/90 33p. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1990: Disposal of CO2 in the ocean and in non oil-bearing geological formations. IKU report 34.2847.00/02/90 15p. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1990: Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases from offshore production facilities. IKU report 34.2847.00/01/90 29p. (In Norwegian).
LINDEBERG, E., RØKKE, N. A., CELIUS, H. K. 1990: Greenhouse gas emissions from offshore oil and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf. IKU report 35.3919.00/01/90 40p. Confidential.
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1990: Offshore gas power - without greenhouse gases and with improved oil recovery. Nordisk Gasteknisk Center, NGC Conference, January 22, Oslo, 17p.
GLASØ, Ø., LINDEBERG, E. 1991: Study of the miscibility properties of reservoir oil and exhaust gases with varying concentration of CO2. IKU report 34.2891.00/-17p. Confidential. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1991: Injection of exhaust gas in oil reservoirs. IKU report 34.2891.00/01/91 65p. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T. 1991: CO2 som injeksjonsgass. En forstudie over muligheten for å øke oljeutvinningen og å redusere utslippene av klimagasser ved å bruke CO2 som injeksjonsgass. Rapport fra en studiereise i USA høsten 1991. IKU report 34.2899.00/01/91. 21p.
KORSAN, K., BJERVE, Y., LINDEBERG, E., OLDERVIK, O. 1991: Atmospheric emission profile for the Heidrun field. IKU report 35.3932.00/01/91 41p. Confidential.
LINDEBERG, E. 1991: Calculations of CO2 coefficients for different fuel gases from the platforms on the oil fields Statfjord, Gullfaks and Veslefrikk. IKU report 34.2886.00/01/91 8p. Confidential. (In Norwegian).
BORUD, K., LINDEBERG, E. 1992: “Phase studies of oil/CO2-mixtures. Experimental studies and fitting fluid parameters in an EOS. IKU report 34.2899.00/04/92 22p. 11 apps. Confidential. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T., BERG. S., 1992: CO2-mulighetsstudie. Prosesstekniske betraktninger omkring injeksjon av eksosgass i oljereservoar. IKU report 34.2897.00/01/92. 60p. Confidential.
HANSEN, A. G., LINDEBERG, E., SKJELLANGER, A. 1992: CO2 flooding of homogenous and heterogeneous Bentheimer cores. Laboratory experiments and simulations. IKU report 34.2899.00/02/92 28p. Confidential.
CELIUS, H. K., HUSTAD, J., RØKKE, N., SCHEI, G., LINDEBERG, E. 1992: Emission of non-CO2 greenhouse gases from offshore installations. Final report. IKU report 35.3938.00/01/92 36p. Confidential.
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1992: Thermal power - without greenhouse gases and with improved oil recovery. Energy Convers. Mgmt. 33, 5-8, 595-602.
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1992: CO2 as injection gas. A pre-study on the possibilities to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by using CO2 as injection gas. Summary Report. IKU report 34.2899.00/06/92 31p. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1993: CO2 injection in oil reservoirs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. A pre-study on different sources from the petroleum industry”. IKU report 34.2899.00/07/92 31p. (In Norwegian).
LINDEBERG, E.G.B., SKJELLANGER, A. 1993: Compositional simulations of CO2 flooding in a Norwegian oil field" IKU report 34.2899.00/05/92, 27p. (In Norwegian).
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. 1993: CO2 from industrial sources as injection gas in oil reservoirs, Energy Conv. Mgmt., 34, 9-11, 1189-1196.
HOLT, T., JENSEN, J. I., LINDEBERG, E. G. B. 1994: Underground storage of CO2 in aquifers and oil reservoirs. Energy Conv. Mgmt., 36, 6-9, 535-538.
LINDEBERG, E. G. B., HOLT, T. 1994: EOR by miscible CO2 injection in the North Sea. Paper SPE/DOE 27767, 345-360
Bjørkvoll, Bredesen, A., T., Hekkelstrand, Lindeberg, E.G.B., TORSTENSEN, B., WÆRNES, O., 1995: Assessment to a national strategy for gas research, SINTEF. (In Norwegian).
LINDEBERG, E.G.B. 1995: Underground disposal of 500 000 ton CO2 per year from Kårstø, IKU Report 54.5037.00/01/95. Confidential.
LINDEBERG, E.G.B., GLASØ, Ø. 1996: Energy and environmental effects in tertiary gas injection. In SKJÆVELAND, SKAUGE, HINDERAKER and SISK (eds): RUTH 1992-1995 A Norwegian research program on improved oil recovery. Program summary. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Stavanger, p.151-160.
HOLLOWAY, S., HEEDERIK, J.P., VAN DER MEER, L.G.H., CZERNICHOWSKI-LAURIOL, I., HARRISON,. R., LINDEBERG, E.G.B, SUMMERFIELD, I.R., ROCHELLE, C., SCHARTZKOPF, T., KAARSTAD, O., BERGER.,B. 1996. The Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide. Summary report, JOULE II Project no. CT92-0031, Non Nuclear Energy R&D Programme.
HOLLOWAY, S., BATEMAN, K., BARBIER, J., DOHERTY, P., FABRIOL, H., HARRISON,. R., HEEDERIK, J.P., VAN DER MEER, L.G.H., CZERNICHOWSKI-LAURIOL, I., LINDEBERG, E.G.B, PEARCE, J.M., SUMMERFIELD, I.R., ROCHELLE, C., SANJUAN, B., SCHARTZKOPF, T., KAARSTAD, O., BERGER.,B. 1996. The Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide. Final Report of JOULE II Project no. CT92-0031, Non Nuclear Energy R&D Programme.
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. G. B. 1996: Offshore gas power with CO2 removal supplied from a plant located on an abandoned platform. A pre-study. IKU Report 54.5051.00/01/96, 25p. Unrestricted.
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E.G.B. 1996: Gas power with CO2 deposition located on abandoned platforms, Energy Convers. Mgmt., 38 Suppl, p.247-252.
LINDEBERG, E.G.B, 1996: Escape of CO2 from Aquifers. Energy Convers. Mgmt. 38 Suppl., p.229-234.
LINDEBERG, E.G.B, WESSEL-BERG, D. 1996: Vertical Convection in an Aquifer Column under a gas Cap of CO2. Energy Convers. Mgmt. Vol. 38 Suppl., p.229-234.
LINDEBERG, E.G.B., HOLT, T., SÆTHER,.S., KVENNÅS, O. 1997: Power supply to the platforms on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. A critical review of the report NHT-F15-00128 from Norsk Hydro. IKU report 54.5097.00/01/97, 16p. (In Norwegian).
JENSEN, J.I., LINDEBERG, E., SLOTTE, P.A., AURDAL, T., HJERMSTAD, H.P., 1997: CO2 injection in the Trestakk Field. IKU Report 54.5105.00/01/97, 48 pages, Restricted.
GREGERSEN, U., JOHANNESSEN, P.N., MØLLER, J.J., KRISTENSEN, L., CHRISTENSEN, N.P., HOLLOWAY, S., CHADWICK, A., KIRKBY, G., LINDEBERG, E., ZWEIGEL, P. 1998: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage SACS Phase Zero 1998. Internal report. GEUS (DK), BGS (UK), IKU (N).
ZWEIGEL, P., LINDEBERG, E. 1999: Saline aquifer CO2 storage (SACS) at the Sleipner Field: Phase 1. IKU report 23.4300.00/01/98, 3p. restricted.
ZWEIGEL, P., LOTHE, A., LINDEBERG, E. 1999: Offshore underground CO2 -disposal. Reservoir geology of the Neogene Utsira Formation, Sleipner Field, North Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 83, 8, 1346-1347.
VASSENDEN, F., HOLT, T., HUSTAD, O.S., and LINDEBERG, E., 1999: Swelling of Heidrun oil with CO2 and hydrocarbon gas. Report 54.5146.00/01/99, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. G. B. 1999: Extending the useful life of the platforms on the Cod, Albuskjell and West Ekofisk fields, Report 54.5113.00/01/99, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim, 36p. Restricted.
LINDEBERG, E:, HOLLOWAY, S. 1999: The next step in Geo-Storage of Carbon Dioxide, Greenhouse gas Control Technologies, Riemer, P., Eliasson, B., Wokaun, A., eds., p.145 –150, Elsevier Science Ltd.
CAUSSE, E., GHADERI, A., LINDEBERG, E. , LOTHE, A., ROMMEL, B., SOLLIE, R., WULFF, A., ZWEIGEL, P. 1999: Saline aquifer CO2 storage (SACS). Semi-annual report November 1998 to June 1999. Report 54.5148.00/01/99, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim, 10p., restricted.
LOTHE, A.E, ZWEIGEL, P. 1999: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS). Informal annual report 1999 of SINTEF Petroleum Research’s results in work area 1 ‘Reservoir Geology’. SINTEF Petroleum Research report 23.4300.00/03/99, 54 p. Restricted
LINDEBERG, E., BERGMO, P. 2000: A reservoir simulation of a combined water production and CO2 injection in the Utsira formation”, SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 54.5162.06/01/00, 12 pages, confidential.
LINDEBERG, E., BERGMO, P. 2000: Stripping and swelling of reservoir oil, SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 54.5173.00/01/00, 12 pages, confidential.
HOLT, T., LINDEBERG, E. G. B., TABER; J.J. 2000: Technologies and Possibilities for Larger-Scale CO2 Separation and Underground Storage. Paper SPE/DOE 63103, Proc.from the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 1–4 October.
LINDEBERG, E., van der MEER, B., MOEN, A., WESSEL-BERG, D., & GHADERI, A. 2000a: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS): Final report Task 2: Fluid and core properties and reservoir simulation. Confidential report, 43 pp.
LINDEBERG, E ., BERGMO, P., GHADERI, A., ZWEIGEL, P., LOTHE, A., 2000; Prediction of CO2 dispersal pattern improved by geology and reservoir simulation and verified by time lapse seismic. GHGT-5 conference, Cairns, Australia, 14th. Aug 2000
LINDEBERG, E ., GHADERI, A., ZWEIGEL, P., LOTHE, A 2000b: Prediction of CO2 dispersal pattern improved by geology and reservoir simulation and verified by time lapse seismic. GHGT-5 conference, Cairns, Australia, 14th. Aug 2000.
ARTS, R. J., ZWEIGEL, P., LOTHE, A.E. 2000: Reservoir geology of the Utsira Sand in the Southern Viking Graben area – a site for potential CO2 storage.- 62nd EAGE meeting, Glasgow, June 2000.
ZWEIGEL, P., HAMBORG, M., ARTS, R., LOTHE, A.E., SYLTA, Ø., TØMMERÅS, A., & CAUSSE, E. 2000: Simulation of migration of injected CO2 in the Sleipner case by means of a secondary migration modelling tool – A contribution to the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage project (SACS). SINTEF Petroleum Research report (CD) 23.4285.00/01/00, 63 p., 6 app., confidential.
HOLLOWAY, S., CHADWICK, R. A., KIRBY, G.A., PEARCE, J. M., GREGERSEN, U., JOHANNESSEN, P. N., KRISTENSEN, L., ZWEIGEL, P., LOTHE, A., ARTS, R. 2000: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS) – Final report: Work Area 1 (Geology). BGS report, 31 pp., Commercial – in confidence.
BOLLAND, O., LINDEBERG, E.G.B. 2000: Status for gasskraftverk i Norge med CO2-fjerning og deponering - teknologi og kostnader, rapport nr. TR F5182, SINTEF Energiforskning, Trondheim, 43 s., Restricted.
BOLLAND, O., LINDEBERG, E. , MØLNVIK, M., ERTESVÅG, I., GRAN, I., EINANG, P. M., HUSTAD, J., VÆRNES, O., JULIUSSEN, O., BERGEM, H., BLEKKAN, E., FAREMO, H., NYBERG, B. 2000: Power generation with CO2 sequestration - Research and development needs, electronic file code :\PROSJEKT\8440\17x236 NFR, SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, 67 p., restricted
ZWEIGEL, P., 2000, Unterirdische CO2-Lagerung – eine Methode im Test und ein neues Arbeitsgebiet für Geowissenschaftler.- Nachrichten der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 73, 26-27.
ZWEIGEL, P.; LINDEBERG, E.; & EIKEN, O., 2000, Send CO2 tilbake til undergrunnen - 4D seismikk løser gåten - GEO, 2000/6, 16-18.
ZWEIGEL, P., LOTHE, A., ARTS, R., & HAMBORG, M., 2000, Reservoir geology of the storage units in the Sleipner CO2-injection case - A contribution to the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS) project SINTEF Petroleum Research report (CD) 23.4285.00/02/00, 79 p., 3 app., confidential.
BØE, R., ZWEIGEL, P. 2001: Characterisation of the Nordland Shale in the Sleipner area by XRD analysis - A contribution to the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS) project. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0764.00/01/01 23p. Confidential.
LINDEBERG, E., ZWEIGEL, P., BERGMO, P. GHADERI, A,. LOTHE, 2001, “A Prediction of CO2 Dispersal Pattern Improved by Geology and Reservoir Simulation and Verified by Time Lapse Seismic,”, in: Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 5, Editors: Williams, D, Duri, B., McMullan, P., Paulson, C., CSIRO Publishing, Australia.
ZWEIGEL, P., HAMBORG, M., ARTS, R., LOTHE A., & TØMMERÅS, A., 2001, Prediction of migration of CO2 injected into an underground depository: Reservoir geology and migration modelling in the Sleipner case (North Sea) in: Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 5, Editors: Williams, D, Duri, B., McMullan, P., Paulson, C., CSIRO Publishing, Australia.
CHADWICK, A.; KIRBY, G.; HOLLOWAY, S.; ZWEIGEL, P.; & ARTS, R., 2001, The case for underground carbon dioxide sequestration in Northern Europe. European Union of Geosciences, 2001 meeting, Strasbourg (FR), abstract volume, 172.
ZWEIGEL, P. & GALE, J., 2001: Storing CO2 underground shows promising results.- EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, (45), 529 & 534. Reprinted in : Earth in Space, 13 (6), 8-10.
ZWEIGEL, P.; ARTS, R.; BIDSTRUP, T.; CHADWICK, A.; EIKEN; O.; GREGERSEN, U.; HAMBORG, M.; JOHANESSEN, P.; KIRBY, G.; KRISTENSEN, L.; & LINDEBERG, E., 2001, Results and experiences from the first industrial scale underground CO2 sequestration case (Sleipner field, North Sea), American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting 2001, Denver (CO), abstract volume (CD).
EIKEN, O.; BREVIK, I.; ARTS, R.; LINDEBERG, E.; & FAGERVIK, K., 2001, Seismic monitoring of CO2 injected into a marine aquifer, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting 2001, Denver (CO), abstract volume (CD).
Lindeberg, E., Bergmo, P., 2002: “The Long-Term Fate of Co2 Injected into an Aquifer” In: Proceeding of the 6th International Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Kyoto, October 2002”
Lindeberg, E., 2002: “The Quality of a Co2 Repository: What is the sufficient Retention Time of Co2 stored Underground”, In: Proceeding of the 6th International Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Kyoto, October 2002”
Other relevant publications:
Bolin B., Döös B.R., Jäger J. and Warrik R, 1986: "The greenhouse effect, climate change and ecosystems," New York.
Bolin, B. 1998: “Key features on the global system to considered in analysis of the climate change issue,” Environment and Development Economics, 3, Part 3.
Bolland, O. and Sæther, S., 1992: "New Concepts for natural Gas Fired Power Plants which Simplify the Recovery of Carbon Dioxide," presented at the First International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 4-6, 1992, published in Energy Convers. Mgmt Vol. 33, No. 5-8, pp. 467-475.
Bolland, O. and Undrum, H. 1998: “Removal of CO2 from gas turbine power plants: Evaluation of pre- and post-combustion methods,” Conference GHGT-4, Interlaken, August 30 – September 2, to be published in Energy Conv. Mgmt.
Brock, W.R. and Bryan, L.A. 1989: “Summary results of CO2 EOR field tests,” paper SPE 18977 presented at the Joint Rocky Mountain regional/low permeability reservoir Symp. and Exhib., Denver, Co., March 6-8.
Ellington, R.T., Warzel, L., Achilladelis, B., Saldanha, K. and Mueller, M.J. 1984: “Scrubbing CO2 from plant exhausts provide economic sources of gas for EOR projects,” Oil and Gas Journal., Oct. 15, 112.
Fayers 1990:
Fayers, F. J., Haajizadeh, C. Y., Taggart, J. 2000: Use of the 4-component Todd and Longstaff method as an up-scaling technique in simulating gas injection projects, paper SPE 59340 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE IOR Symposium, Tulsa Ok., 3-5 April 2000.
Holloway, S., Heederik, J.P., van der Meer, L.G.H., Czernichowski-Lauriol, I., Harrison, R., Lindeberg, E.G.B, Summerfield, I.R., Rochelle, C., Schartzkopf, T., Kaarstad, O., Berger. ,B. 1996: "Underground disposal of Carbon dioxide," Final Report, Volume 2, Non Nuclear Energy R&D Programme JOULE II.
Holt, T., Jensen, J.I., Lindeberg, E. 1995: “Underground storage of CO2 in aquifers and oil reservoirs,” Energy Conv. Mgmt., 36, 335-338.
Holt, T., Lindeberg, E. 1992: “Thermal power – without greenhouse gases and with improved oil recovery,” Energy Conv. Mgmt., 33, 595-602.
Kaplan, L.J. 1982: “Cost-saving process recovers CO2 from power plant flue gas,” Chem. Eng. 29 Nov., 30.
Koide, H, Takahashi, M., Tsukamoto, H., 1995, “Self-trapping Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide in the Aquifer Disposal”, Energy Convers. Mgmt., Vol 36, No 6-9, pp 505-508
Lijima, I. 1998: “A feasible new flue gas CO2 recovery technology for enhanced oil recovery,” Paper SPE 39686 presented at the 1998 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symp. in Tulsa, Ok., 19-22 April.
Lindeberg, E. G. B., Holt, T. 1994: EOR by miscible CO2 injection in the North Sea. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE/DOE 27767, 345-360
Lindeberg, E:, Holloway, S. 1999: “The next step in Geo-Storage of Carbon Dioxide,” Greenhouse gas Control Technologies, Riemer, P., Eliasson, B., Wokaun, A., editors, pp 145 –150, , Elsevier Science Ltd.
Lindeberg, E. 1997: “Escape of CO2 from aquifers,” Energy Conv. Mgmt, 38, supplement, 235-240.
Lindeberg, E., van der Meer, B., Moen, A., Wessel-Berg, D., & Ghaderi, A. 2000a: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS): Final report Task 2: Fluid and core properties and reservoir simulation. Confidential report, 43 pp.
Lindeberg, E. Ghaderi, A., Zweigel, P., Lothe, A. 2000b: Prediction of CO2 dispersal pattern improved by geology and reservoir simulation and verified by time lapse seismic. 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Cairns (Australia), August 2000.
Rogers, J. D., and Grigg, R. B.: “A Literature Analysis of the WAG Injectivity Abnormalities in the CO2 Process,” paper SPE 59329 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 3-5 April 2000.
Skovholt, O. 1993: “CO2 transportation system,” Energy Convers. Mgmt., 34, 9-11, 1095-1103.
Solano, R, Johns, R. T., Lake, L. W., 2000: Impact of reservoir mixing on recovery in enriched -gas drives above the minimum miscibility enrichment, paper SPE 59339 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE IOR Symposium, Tulsa Ok., 3-5 April 2000.
Stalkup, F.I., 1983. “Miscible Displacement”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Monograph Series, New York 1983, p 75.
Stephenson, R.M. 1966: “Introduction to the chemical process industries”, Reinhold Publ. Co., New York.
Taber, J. 1994: “Enhanced oil recovery in Riemer,” P. (ed.): The utilisation of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel fired power stations, IEAGHG/SR4, IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Cheltenham.
Wang, Y., Peck, D. G., 2000: Analytical calculation of minimum miscibility pressure: Comprehensive testing and application in a quantitative analysis of the effect of numerical dispersion for different miscibility development mechanisms, paper SPE 59378 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE IOR Symposium, Tulsa Ok., 3-5 April 2000.
Zweigel, P., Hamborg, M., Arts, R., Lothe, A.E., Sylta, Ø., Tømmerås, A., Causse, E. 2000a: Simulation of migration of injected CO2 in the Sleipner case by means of a secondary migration modelling tool – A contribution to the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage project (SACS). SINTEF Petroleum Research report (CD) 23.4285.00/01/00, 63 p., 6 app., confidential.
Zweigel, P., Hamborg, M., Arts, R., Lothe A., Tømmerås, A. 2000b: Prediction of migration of CO2 injected into an underground depository: Reservoir geology and migration modelling in the Sleipner case (North Sea). 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Cairns (Australia), August 2000.