The production of biochar from biomass that is put into soils where the carbon can remain fixed for several centuries is a key measure for the agricultural sector in Norway to mitigate climate change.
The main objective of CAPTURE+ is to develop biochar systems as a tool for achieving a zero emission society. This is done by applying an interdisciplinary approach for development, assessment and implementation in agriculture and forestry.
Carbon sequestration via pyrolysis and deposition of biochar in soil has evolved over the last decade. Biochar is produced by heating organic material under oxygen-free conditions together with bio-oil and gas that can be used for energy purposes. A significant amount of research has recently contributed to an increased understanding of biochar effects on carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions and agronomy. However, more research is needed on biochar effects on plant and grain yields, the influence of production technologies on biochar quality and its effect on soil fertility, pyrolysis bio-oil quality and cost reductions. Implementation will further require a combination of substantial innovation, private and public investment, systems of incentives and integration in existing agricultural practices and governance systems.
CAPTURE+ is a 3-year researcher project funded by the Research Council of Norway (BIONÆR). The project idea was developed in the IDELAB workshop arranged by the RCN in 2014.
The consortium combines expertise from chemistry, agronomy, agricultural science, social sciences, logistics and economics. Partners include the Centre for Rural Research (CRR), DNV GL, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), SINTEF Materials and Chemistry and SINTEF Technology and Society.