Tryg Forsikring


WP4: Early warnings of major accidents

The objective of WP4 is to provide early warnings of major accidents, which may require the development of new models and methods, or the adaptation of existing ones.

This will be useful for providing early warnings of major accidents both in general, during petroleum exploration and production in the northern regions, and specifically during the operation of the Goliat field in the Barents Sea. The early warning system will be a set of appropriate indicators that can signal a possible increase in the risk of accidents on a particular installation (e.g., a drilling rig or a production unit). The indicators may be used at different levels and by different functions within an organization; by operators, supervisors, or managers. WP4 is closely linked to what safety information is needed for decision making at different levels in the organization, i.e., it is related to WP2.

Published June 28, 2007

Building Safety in Petroleum Exploration and Production in the Northern Regions