WP2 – Analysis methods and validation
Based on MSC.1/Circ. 1455 and the corresponding circular from the Norwegian Maritime Authority, this WP aims to develop a method for describing safety functions and requirements.

Based on MSC.1/Circ. 1455 and the corresponding circular from the Norwegian Maritime Authority, this WP aims to develop a method for describing safety functions and requirements. This should be based on the safety model and incorporate the necessary data fields to satisfy relevant documentation requirements. This will require some form of risk assessment, i.e. adding event probabilities and consequences to the different outcomes that are relevant. Possibilities to implement the tool as an Excel workbook will be investigated, accompanied with documentation that describes the analysis methods and the source for any numerical values, e.g. risk and consequences. It will also estimate the required manning levels for combinations of different likely scenarios. In cooperation with the NMA, comparison to more manual methods will be done for tool validation.
For the work, existing analysis methods, e.g. based on Formal Safety Assessment (FSA), also including other tools that may be required. Event and fault trees are expected to be important components. This represents the main research content of the project. WP2 will also assist in evaluating new safety measures developed in WP3.