Reusing Models of Actors and Services in Smart Homecare to Improve Sustainability
Ståle Walderhaug, Erlend Stav, and Marius Mikalsen. Medical Informatics Europe 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden, Stud Health Technol Inform 136, IOS Press, 2008, pp. 107-12.


Industrial countries are faced with a growing elderly population. Homecare systems with assistive smart house technology enable elderly to live independently at home. Development of such smart home care systems is complex and expensive and there is no common reference model that can facilitate service reuse. This paper proposes reusable actor and service models based on a model-driven development process where end user organizations and domain healthcare experts from four European countries have been involved. The models, specified using UML can be reused actively as assets in the system design and development process and can reduce development costs, and improve interoperability and sustainability of systems. The models are being evaluated in the European IST project MPOWER.

Published May 28, 2008

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