
Several checklists for control centres have been published in regulations, standards and guidelines, but there is a lack of an overall balanced checklist. Thus the objective of CRIOP has been to combine the relevant material in a "best practice" checklist. The checklist in CRIOP has been developed based on:

  • EEMUA "Alarm System Guidance (Publication No 191)"
  • EEMUA "Plant Control Desks and the Human-Computer Interface: A Guide to Design, Operational and Human-Computer Interface Issues" (Publication no. 201)
  • ISO 11064 "Ergonomic design of control centres" (2000 CEN)
  • IEC 61508 "Functional Safety of Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems"
  • NORSOK standards, The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety, value adding and cost effectiveness for existing and future petroleum industry developments in Norway.
  • Human-System Interface Design Review Guidelines (NUREG-0700, Rev. 2)
The relationships between CRIOP checklists and standards

Published June 24, 2011



Contact person: Stig Ole Johnsen