About the laboratory
The aim of the Norwegian laboratory for silicon-based solar cell technology, is to coordinate and unify cutting-edge infrastructure into an "openlab facility" in Norway, combining facilities at SINTEF, IFE, NTNU and UiO.
We conduct "frontier research" for the entire PV-chain with the main focus on silicon production, crystallisation and wafering. By coordinating and unifying the infrastructure, Norwegian research groups and companies will more easily work together in a high-tech environment, gaining the in-depth knowledge base necessary to assume and maintain leading positions in the development of future PV technologies.
The aim is to become a "one stop shop" for Europe in the value chain from silicon to wafers and combine this basis with involvement in EUPVTP1, EERA2, Cheeta3 and Sophia4 where consortium partners are coordinating their research and infrastructure with other research institutes in Europe.