The Multiphase Flow Assurance Innovation Centre (FACE)

The objective is to provide the various modelling activities within the FACE Centre with relevant experimental data in order to validate and build confidence in the flow assurance models.

The fluids that will be used are particulate suspensions, emulsions and heavy oils, although in the initial phase (2007-2009), the emphasis will be on suspensions. The multidimensional approach adopted by the modelling activity, due to the nature of the flow phenomena, will also be reflected in the experimental work. It will therefore be an overall goal - and challenge - to develop the flow loops and the scientific instrumentation to enable detailed, local, cross-sectional measurements, as required by the modelling efforts. This, we believe, will be a pre-requisite in order to obtain new fundamental understanding in the field.

The different flow loops and test equipment that are available amongst the partners of the FACE Centre cover a large range of pipe diameters and pressure ratings. It is our ambition to utilise the available infra-structure to the benefit of the FACE Centre, for example to study scalability of the models. In particular, we will aim at, and encourage the exchange of instruments between the laboratories.

Published December 11, 2007

Institutt for Energiteknikk, P. O. Box 40, NO-2027 Kjeller, Norway. Phone: +47 63 80 60 00. E-mail: