

The main activities of the SafeCulture methodology are:

  • ACTIVITY 0. Preparation and organisation
  • ACTIVITY 1. Assessment and reflection of Safety Culture cross interfaces based on a questionnaire using best industry practice
  • ACTIVITY 2. Scenario analysis and reflection performed by an experienced team involving relevant stakeholders cross interfaces
  • ACTIVITY 3. Actions – as agreed in team-work
  • ACTIVITY 4. Implementation and follow-up

The effort needed in a SafeCulture analysis is around 3 to 4 day’s effort from the involved organisation.

The main activities are:

Effort Activities

½-1 Day

Preparation and Organisation –Identifying relevant scenarios and identify people to attend the workshop, filling out questionnaire in advance.

Activity 0

2 Day Workshop

Assessment and reflection of Safety Culture cross interfaces

Scenario analysis and reflection performed by an experienced team

Actions – as agreed in team-work

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

½-1 Day

Follow up

Activity 4

Published February 29, 2008