
The main objective of this R&D project is to develop new competence that will improve our ability to approach, analyse and manage the risks and vulnerabilities that arise when ship-owners wish to take a more formal and comprehensive part in maritime logistics chains. Or to put it in simple terms; to understand and manage the risks that origin when ship-owners extend their responsibility in cargo-owners’ value chains from port-to-port to door-to-door operations.

A subsidiary objective is to understand resilient constructs and properties that ship-owners or maritime service providers either already have or could develop through other means, in order to handle the vulnerabilities and risks of the maritime logistics chain context.

Specific sub-goals are:

  • Document measures of resilience of the global shipping system as part of the transport systems offered for networked global value chain systems. 
  • Develop and document risk and vulnerability taxonomies of maritime logistics chains within various shipping segments. 
  • Develop and document contributions from maritime law to resilience in maritime logistics chain developments, i.e. maritime logistics law. 
  • Develop and document principles, methods and tools for fleet and chain planning and control under conditions of uncertainty. 
  • Develop and document an overview of, and methods to assess, the vulnerability and resilience of IT systems and networks in and for logstics systems. 
  • Develop and document methods and tools for the analyses and mitigation of  vulnerability in maritime logistics.

Published October 8, 2007