Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS)

- an offshore demonstration at the Sleipner field


Relevant literature

Publications covering topics relevant for the SACS project
(CO2-storage, regional geology of the North Sea, ...)

Arts, R. J., Zweigel, P., & Lothe, A.E. 2000: Reservoir geology o fthe Utsira Sand in the Southern Viking Graben area – a site for potential CO2 storage.- 62nd EAGE meeting, Glasgow, submitted.

Baklid, A.; Korbøl, R.; & Owren, G. 1996: Sleipner Vest CO2 disposal, CO2 injection into a shallow underground aquifer. Paper presented on the 1996 SPE Annual technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, USA, SPE paper 36600, 1-9.

Brevik, I., Eiken, O., ***& Arts, R.J. 2000: Expectations and results from seismic monitoring of CO2 injection into a marine acquifer. 62nd EAGE meeting, Glasgow, submitted.

Eidvin, T. and Rundberg, Y., 1999: A new chronology for the "Utsira Formation" in the northern North Sea (Snorre and Visund Fields). Norsk Geologisk Forenings Vintermøte, Stavanger, January 1999, abstract volume, 43.

Eidvin, T.; Riis, F.; & Rundberg, Y. 1999: Upper Cainozoic stratigraphy in the central North Sea (Ekofisk and Sleipner fields). Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, vol. 79, pp. 97-128.

Eiken, O., Brevik, I., Arts. R., Lindeberg, E., & Fagervik, K. 2000: Seismic monitoring of CO2 injected into a marine aquifer. SEG Calgary 2000 International conference and 70th Annual meeting, Calgary, submitted.

Gregersen, U.; Michelsen, O.; & Sørensen, J.C. 1997: Stratigraphy and facies distribution of the Utsira Formation and the Pliocene sequences in the northern North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 14, 893-914.

Gregersen, U., Johannessen, P.N., Møller, J.J., Kristensen, L., Christensen, N.P., Holloway, S., Chadwick, A., Kirkby, G., Lindeberg, E. & Zweigel, P. 1998: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage S.A.C.S Phase Zero 1998. Internal report. GEUS (DK), BGS (UK), IKU (N).

Gregersen, U, Johannessen, P.N., Chadwick, R.A., Holloway, S. & Kirby, G.A. 2000. Regional study of the Neogene deposits in the southern Viking Graben area - a site for potential CO2 storage. 62nd EAGE meeting, Glasgow, submitted.

Heggland, R. 1997: Detection of gas migration from a deep source by use of exploration 3D seismic data. Marine Geology 137, 41-47.

Herzog, H., Eliasson, B. and Kaarstad, O. 2000: Capturing greenhouse gases. Scientific American, 54-61.

Holloway, S., Heederik, J.P., van der Meer, L.G.H., Czernichowski-Lauriol, I., Harrison, R., Lindeberg, E., Summerfield, I.R., Rochelle, C., Schwarzkopf, T., Kaarstad, O. and Berger, B. 1996: The underground disposal of Carbon Dioxide – Summary Report. British Geological Survey Report for JOULE II project CT92-0031. 21pp.

Holloway, S., Chadwick, R. A., Kirby, G.A., Pearce, J. M., Gregersen, U., Johannessen, P. N., Kristensen, L., Zweigel, P., Lothe, A., & Arts, R. 2000: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS) – Final report: Work Area 1 (Geology). BGS report, 31pp., Commercial – in confidence.

Isaksen, D. & Tonstad, K. 1989: A resived Cretaceous and Tertiary lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the Norwegian North Sea, NPD Bulletin 5, Oljedirektoratet, Stavanger.

Jordt, H., Faleide, J.I., Bjørlykke, K. & Ibrahim, M.T. 1995: Cenozoic sequence stratigraphy of the central and northern North Sea Basin: tectonic development, sediment distribution and provenance areas, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 12, 845-879.

Korbøl, R., Kaddour, A., 1995: Sleipner Vest CO2 Disposal – Injection of Removed CO2 into the Utsira Formation. Energy Convers. Mgmt. Vol. 36, No 6–9, 509-512.

Lindeberg, E. & Wessel-Berg, D., 1997: Vertical convection in an aquifer column under a gas cap of CO2, Energy Convers. Mgmt, 38, Suppl., S229-S234.

Lindeberg, E.G.B, 1997: Escape of CO2 from Aquifers. Energy Convers. Mgmt. Vol. 38 Suppl., 229-234.

Lindeberg, E., Causse, E., & Ghaderi, A. 1999: Evaluation of to what extent CO2 accumulations in the Utsira formations are possible to quantify by seismic by August 1999. SINTEF Petroleum Research report 54.5148.00/01/99, 13p. Restricted.

Lindeberg, E., van der Meer, B., Moen, A., Wessel-Berg, D., & Ghaderi, A. 2000a: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS): Final report Task 2: Fluid and core properties and reservoir simulation. Confidential report, 43pp.

Lindeberg, E. Ghaderi, A., Zweigel, P., Lothe, A. 2000b: Prediction of CO2 dispersal pattern improved by geology and reservoir simulation and verified by time lapse seismic. 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Cairns (Australia), August 2000, accepted.

Lothe, A.E. & Zweigel, P. 1999: Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS). Informal annual report 1999 of SINTEF Petroleum Research’s results in work area 1 ‘Reservoir Geology’. SINTEF Petroleum Research report 23.4300.00/03/99, 54 p. Restricted.

Orr, , F.M.; Wilson, J.L.; & Pyrak-Nolte, L., 1998: Geohydrology Perspective.- in: Dove et al.: Terrestrial Sequestration of CO2 – An Assessment of Research Needs.- US Department of Energy report, 67 p.

Reichle, D., Houghton, J., Kane, B., Ekman, J. & 16 others 1999: Carbon Sequestration –State of the Science (Working paper on Carbon Sequestration Science and Technology), Department of Energy Report.

Sørensen, J.C.; Gregersen, U.; Breiner, M.; & Michelsen, O. 1997: High-frequency sequence stratigraphy of Upper Cenozoic deposits in the central and southeastern North Sea areas. Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 99-123.

Tongban, H., Courme, B., Jacquin, T. & Dunay, R. 1999: Biostratigraphic calibration of Neogene depositional sequences of the North Viking Graben, In: I.J.Martinsen & T.Dreyer (eds); Sedimentary Environments offshore Norway; Palaeozoic to Recent. Extended abstracts. Norwegian Petroleum Society/NPF, 45-48.

Tongban, H., Jacquin, T., Courme, B., Dunay, R. 1999: Three dimensional seismic sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Neogene depositional systems of the North Viking Graben: Restoration of the missing sections. AAPG Bull., 83, 1346-1347. (Poster at AAPG International Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 1999)

Zweigel, P., Lothe, A. E., & Lindeberg, E., 1999: Offshore underground CO2-disposal: Reservoir geology of the Neogene Utsira Formation, Sleipner Field, North Sea.- AAPG Bull., 83, 1346-1347. (Poster at AAPG International Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 1999)

Zweigel, P., Hamborg, M., Arts, R., Lothe, A.E., Sylta, Ø., Tømmerås, A., & Causse, E. 2000: Simulation of migration of injected CO2 in the Sleipner case by means of a secondary migration modelling tool – A contribution to the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage project (SACS). SINTEF Petroleum Research report (CD) 23.4285.00/01/00, 63 p., 6 app., confidential.

Zweigel, P., Hamborg, M., Arts, R., Lothe A., & Tømmerås, A. 2000: Prediction of migration of CO2 injected into an underground depository: Reservoir geology and migration modelling in the Sleipner case (North Sea). 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Cairns (Australia), August 2000, accepted.

Zweigel, P. & Gale, J. (2000): Storing CO2 Underground Shows Promising Results. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, (45), 529+534.

Published April 10, 2008