Enhanced LC-dlPFC Connectivity: Boosting Emotional Resilience and Cognitive Function in Aging

Brain adaptiation for emotional resilience: Promoting healthy aging relies on how the brain adjusts to cognitive and emotional challenges over time. Our study reveals that older adults exhibit increased activity in the locus coeruleus (LC), a key region for attention and arousal, and stronger connections between the LC and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) during tasks involving emotional ambiguity. Using our NTNU 7T ultra-high-field imaging facility, we found that this heightenede LC-dlPFC connectivity is associated with improved mental well-being. These findings highlight the brain's adaptive mechanisms that enhance emotional resilience and congnitive function, offering valuable insights into supporting healthy aging.
Dave A, Ye S, Bätz LR, Lan X, Jacobs HIL, Ziaei M: Age-related increase in locus coeruleus activity and connectivity with prefrontal cortex during ambiguity processing, bioRxiv, Dec. 21, 2024.