Work packages

Research Area: Fate and Effects of Marine Pollution

WP1: Environmental status: In WP1 we want to identify anthropogenic sources of REYs to the Norwegian marine/coastal environments and determine concentrations. (lead: Michael Bau, Jacobs University)

WP2: Processes and Mechanisms: In WP2 we will study REY uptake, organ distribution and effect mechanisms in marine fish using Gd as model compound. (lead: Bjørn Henrik Hansen, SINTEF Ocean)

WP3: Environmental outcome: In WP3 we will study REY anomalies and concentrations in organisms from sampling sites to estimate consequences based on knowledge gained in WP1 and WP2. The inclusion of more than one species should enable the recommendation of bioindicator species in future studies and environmental monitoring. (lead: Tomasz Ciesielski, NTNU)

WP4: Management and communication
