Publications and Presentations


Groven, K. , Anderssen  Husabø,  I. (2008):  Vulnerability to climate change in the High North – a threat to security and safety? SAMRISK conference – Is there a Nordic model for societal security and safety? Oslo, September 1-2.


Nie, L., (2009): Water and Flood Damage and Regulation for Insurance in a Dynamic Society,
SAMRISK Seminar – Societal risk in an insurance and re-insurance perspective, BI in Oslo, August 23-24.

Nie, L., Heilemann, K. (2009) Flood Risk management at a legal Perspective,
SAMRISK seminar – Flood Risk Management at a legal Perspective, University in Oslo, June 15-16.

Nie, L., Heilemann, K. Hafskjold, L.S., Sægrov, S. , Johanessen, B. (2009): Adapting Community to Flood Risk and Vulnerability caused by Climate Change.
Road map towards a Flood Resilient Urban Environment, Proceedings of the international Conference of the COST action C22 urban Flood Management in Cooperation with UNESCO-IHP, Hamburger Wasserbau Schriften, Band 6.


Heilemann, K., Nie, L. (2010): Adapting Community Risk and Vulnerability Analyses for Climate Change – AdaptCRVA, Workshop ”Veiledere i klimatilpasning og veiledere knyttet til kommunal beredskapsplikt”, Trondheim, January 14.

Heilemann, K., Nie, L. (2010): Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Climate Change – Results from the AdaptCRVA-project
SAMRISK conference , Stavanger, October 14-15.

Heilemann, K. (2010): Morgendagens klima – utfordringer for samfunnet, brochure, layout by SINTEF Byggforsk, Monica Raknestangen Gran.

Nie, L. , Heilemann, K. (2010): Review of the development and the results of climate change research, SINTEF report, SBF IN a10209.

Nie, L., Heilemann, K. Hafskjold  (2010): Risk and Vulnerability Assessment – A case study in Norway , FloodProBE meeting, Oxford, September 8-9.

Rosentrater, L.D. (2010): Representing and using scenarios for responding to climate change behaviour,  DOI: 10.1002/wcc.32; Whiley Interdisciplinary Revies: Climate Change Volume 1, Issue2


Laugesen, J., Aamnes  Mostue, B., Bouwer Utne, I.  (2011): The use of Risk and Vulnerability Analysis in Climate Change Adaptation
European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA), ESREL 2011, Annual Conference, 18-22 September 2011,Troyes France

Nie, L. , Heilemann, K. (2011): Flood Risk Assessment for Urban Critical Infrastructures – from simple Risk Assessment to Advanced Models, 5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5), 27-29 September 2011, Tsukuba, Japan

In prep. 2011

Hesse, J. (in prep):   Employing Risk assessment tools on coastal area management in Norway and Germany (EU), SINTEF report


Published November 16, 2007