
MRST Module Categories

Modules released as part of the official MRST releases have now been given a classification based on the type of development they are currently undergoing. This is to help users determine how likely the code is to change in future releases. The main benefit of this is that users can be confident that their own code based on e.g. stable modules is unlikely to need updating much between releases whereas code based on experimental modules is much more likely to need updating to be compatible with future versions of these modules.

More information about individual modules can be found here and in the code for the modules themselves within MRST.

The categories are as follows:

Mature code, stable, bug-fix mode only, not under active development.
Feature complete, well tested, changes are thoroughly documented and subject to strict testing.
Under active development, internal interfaces / algorithms may change without notice, major interface changes documented.
Recently added functionality, may change significantly between releases or disappear entirely if not sufficiently matured.
Has been / will be removed in future releases.
Module Category Module Category
ad-blackoil Development mex Deprecated
ad-core Stable mimetic Legacy
ad-eor Development mpfa Development
ad-fi Deprecated mpsamech Deprecated
ad-mechanics Development mpsaw Experimental
ad-props Stable mrst_api Deprecated
adjoint Legacy mrst-gui Stable
agglom Stable msfvm Legacy
book Stable msmfem Legacy
co2lab Stable msrsb Development
coarsegrid Stable nfvm Experimental
compositional Development ntpfa Deprecated
core Stable nwm Development
deckformat Stable octave Experimental
dfm Legacy optimization Development
dg Experimental postprocessing Experimental
diagnostics Stable re-mpfa Experimental
dual-continuum-mech Experimental relperm-upscale Experimental
domain-decomposition Experimental remso Legacy
dual-porosity Experimental sequential (formerly blackoil-sequential) Development
ENKF Legacy shale Experimental
ensemble Experimental sleipner Development
example-suite Experimental solvent Development
fractures Experimental spe10 Stable
fvbiot Experimental steady-state Legacy
fv-unsat Experimental streamlines Legacy
geochemistry Development triangle Legacy
geothermal Development upr Stable
heterogeneity Experimental upscaling Stable
hfm Development vag Experimental
hybrid-ve Experimental vem Development
incomp Stable vembiot Deprecated
libgeometry Legacy vemmech Development
linearsolvers Development wellpaths Stable
ad-micp Experimental network-models Experimental
dual-porosity-permeability Experimental gmsh Experimental
static-modeling Experimental jutul Development
ad-scal Experimental    

Published November 30, 2020