Input to energy efficiency consultation

Research Director
+47 90 12 02 21

FME HighEFF recently participated in a consultation meeting about energy efficiency, at the invitation of Norway's Petroleum and Energy Ministry. This article summarises the main points the Centre presented at the meeting.

Hand holding a leaf that has been cut out to represent a factory, against a sky background.

HighEFF identified a potential 20 TWh of surplus heat from the Norwegian industry, which is about 10% of Norway's total energy consumption. To leverage this potential and further improve energy efficiency, a comprehensive action plan is needed. Our main input points are:

  1. There should be a cost for wasting surplus energy, and it should be profitable for businesses to establish themselves where surplus heat is available.
  2. The energy law should be amended to include cost-benefit assessments for using surplus heat in both new and existing facilities. Business models for increased local and regional energy exchange should be developed.
  3. Measures should be implemented to support solutions that provide societal benefits, not just economic benefits for businesses. This should be done in a coordinated and comprehensive package, instead of fragmented across several different ministries.
  4. Support should be ensured for short- and long-term development and implementation of technology and solutions in energy efficiency. Increased funding for research programs related to environmentally friendly energy and green transition should be prioritised.

Here is HighEFF's input to the energy efficiency consultation meeting in its entirety (in Norwegian).