The main objective of the CO2 Field Lab project

is to assure and increase carbon storage safety by obtaining valuable knowledge about monitoring of CO2 migration in geological formations. This will enable detection of possible CO2 leakage at the earliest possible stage.

This tri-national project partnership between Norway, France and the United Kingdom has already obtained the Eurogia+ label for its efforts. The project aims to develop and set standards for monitoring CO2 storage. 



The Svelvik ridge has been chosen as a field laboratory, where CO2 can be injected into permeable rocks in a well-controlled and well-characterized geological environment. CO2 will be injected to obtain underground distributions that resemble leakages.

The project is divided into two main phases.

Phase one, conducted during the first year of the project, will provide information on whether the site is suitable for further tests. Phase two will consist of a three year test programme in which a small amount of CO2 will be injected into the subsurface and its migration will be closely monitored by state of the art techniques.

CO2 Feltlaboratorium  

26. november 2012

Mid-November, a new drilling operation started. A new well will be used to test the injectivity of the sand layers down to approximately 115 meters deep. The operation is expected to be completed in early December.