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Cleaning of Beds in Hospitals - a Survey of the Various Policies

Principles for the cleaning of patient beds is a current topic of discussion at several hospitals. Is the cleaning is done centrally or decentralised, automatically or manually? What profession maintain the work, which method ensures good hygiene and what is best for patient safety?

Cleaning of Beds in Hospitals - a Survey of the Various Policies
Cleaning of Beds in Hospitals - a Survey of the Various Policies

The problems associated with bed cleaning is significant for both logistics, patient safety, hygiene, environment, economy, and layout and design of new buildings. The builder for the extension of Herlev Hospital in Denmark has provided SINTEF Technology and Society, Dept. of Health to prepare a report which highlights the advantages and disadvantages of various policies for cleaning patient beds. The report will help us with the future efforts, and plan the best possible logistics and cleaning of beds at Nyt Herlev Hospital.

Key Factors

Project duration

15/04/2012 - 18/10/2012


Download the report

Rengjøring av senger i sykehus - en kartlegging av ulike prinsipper (Norwegian, pdf 2,4 MB)