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The MonitorX results consist of a set of models and algorithms for condition monitoring, detection of faults and prediction of remaining lifetime. The use of such types of models by power plant operators results in better maintenance and reinvestment decisions and allows for a transition to a more predictive maintenance strategy.

Below follow examples that illustrate the potential benefits of using project results, and condition monitoring and predictive maintenance in general. Note that these benefits require that results as developed by the MonitorX project in form of models and algorithms actually are used for condition monitoring by the power plant operators to realize a predictive maintenance strategy. A direct benefit of the MonitorX project is knowledge building and exchange of experience, a s discussed below.

General benefits and benefit estimates
In a study conducted for the Research Council of Norway1 the potential benefit of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance for Norwegian hydropower plant operators was described and estimated as follows:

  • 650 MNOK (ca. 68 MEUR) as an effect of postponed investment costs as a result of better knowledge about the component's actual condition and remaining lifetime.
  • 4 000 MNOK (ca. 420 MEUR) as a consequence of reduced production losses due to less downtime for corrective and preventive maintenance.
  • Reduced inspection costs due to fewer manual inspections
  • Shorter maintenance downtime by using more condition-based and less time-based maintenance.
  • Reduced cost for corrective maintenance due to reduced probability of failure.
  • Better knowledge about the real technical condition of the components and the relation between operation conditions, loads, degradation and lifetime.

Exchange of experience and knowledge building
An important benefit of the MonitorX project was the exchange of experience and knowledge between hydropower operators, equipment manufacturers and research. The project participants acknowledged the opportunity to discuss different topics related to data collection and analysis in the MonitorX consortium. The experience and knowledge exchange were useful for the participating companies to identify good solutions and best practice. This may have accelerated the implementation of data collection and condition monitoring solutions. Furthermore, this exchange stimulated to new activities and spin-off projects.