Organisation, management and board
Management group
- Centre lead: Pål Erik Goa - Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU
- Research strategy lead: Axel Nyman - Neurology dept., St. Olavs Hospital/INB
- Seminar lead: Than Doan - Neurology dept., St. Olavs Hospital
- Research training lead: Maryam Ziaei - Kavli Institute, NTNU
- Infrastructure strategy lead: Guglielmo Genovese - Dept. of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU
- Information/web lead: Karen-Helene Støverud - Health Research dept., SINTEF Digital
The board
- Bjarne Foss, Kavli Institute - MH - NTNU
- Erik Wahlström, Dept. of Physics - NV - NTNU
- Morten Troøyen, Clinic for radiology and nuclear medicine - St. Olavs Hospital
- Christian Samsonsen, Neurology dept. – St.Olavs Hospital
- Øystein Risa, Health Research dept., SINTEF Digital