
00001 //===========================================================================
00002 // GoTools - SINTEF Geometry Tools
00003 //
00004 // GoTools module: Intersections, version 1.0
00005 //
00006 // Copyright (C) 2000-2007 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics, Norway.
00007 //
00008 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or          
00009 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License            
00010 // as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. 
00011 //
00012 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        
00013 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         
00015 // GNU General Public License for more details.                           
00016 //
00017 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      
00018 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software            
00019 // Foundation, Inc.,                                                      
00020 // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,                                           
00021 // Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.                                           
00022 //
00023 // Contact information: E-mail:                      
00024 // SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,                         
00025 // P.O. Box 124 Blindern,                                                 
00026 // 0314 Oslo, Norway.                                                     
00027 //
00028 // Other licenses are also available for this software, notably licenses
00029 // for:
00030 // - Building commercial software.                                        
00031 // - Building software whose source code you wish to keep private.        
00032 //===========================================================================
00037 #include "IntersectionPoint.h"
00038 #include "IntersectionLink.h"
00039 #include "ParamObjectInt.h"
00040 #include "ParamPointInt.h"
00041 #include "ParamCurveInt.h"
00042 #include "ParamSurfaceInt.h"
00043 #include "Param0FunctionInt.h"
00044 #include "Param1FunctionInt.h"
00045 #include "Param2FunctionInt.h"
00046 #include "SplineCurve.h"
00047 #include "CurveOnSurface.h"
00048 #include "generic_graph_algorithms.h"
00049 #include "Point.h"
00050 #include "LineCloud.h"
00051 #include "PointCloud.h"
00052 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
00053 #include <vector>
00054 #include <set>
00055 #include <iostream>
00056 #include <fstream>
00059 namespace Go {
00065 //===========================================================================
00066 void debug_write_line(const Point& p1, const Point& p2,
00067                       const char* fname)
00068 //===========================================================================
00069 {
00070     std::ofstream os(fname);
00071     double array[6];
00072     std::copy(p1.begin(), p1.end(), array);
00073     std::copy(p2.begin(), p2.end(), array+3);
00074     LineCloud cloud(array, 1);
00075     cloud.writeStandardHeader(os);
00076     cloud.write(os);
00077     os.close();
00078 }
00081 //===========================================================================
00082 void debug_write_point(const Point& p1, const char* fname)
00083 //===========================================================================
00084 {
00085     std::ofstream os(fname);
00086     PointCloud<3> pcloud(p1.begin(), 1);
00087     pcloud.writeStandardHeader(os);
00088     pcloud.write(os);
00089     os.close();
00090 }
00093 //===========================================================================
00094 bool no_parent(const boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint>& p) 
00095 //===========================================================================
00096 {
00097     return p->parentPoint().get() == 0;
00098 }
00101 //===========================================================================
00102 IntersectionPoint* flip_intersecting_objects(IntersectionPoint* p)
00103 //===========================================================================
00104 { 
00105     p->flipObjects(); 
00106     return p;
00107 }
00110 //===========================================================================
00111 template<class T>
00112 struct raw_pointer_comp 
00113 //===========================================================================
00114 {
00115     bool operator()(boost::shared_ptr<T> A, boost::shared_ptr<T> B)
00116     {
00117         return A.get() < B.get();
00118     }
00119 };
00122 //===========================================================================
00123 class CrossesValue  // predicate for STL function
00124 //===========================================================================
00125 {
00126 public:
00127     CrossesValue(int par_dir, double value, double eps) 
00128         : par_dir_(par_dir), value_(value), eps_(eps) {}
00129     bool operator()(const boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink>& l) const 
00130     {
00131         IntersectionPoint *p1, *p2;
00132         l->getIntersectionPoints(p1, p2);
00133         double t1 = p1->getPar()[par_dir_];
00134         double t2 = p2->getPar()[par_dir_];
00135         bool crosses;
00136         bool identity = true;
00137         if (t1 > t2) {
00138             std::swap(t1, t2);
00139         }
00140         crosses = (((value_ - t1) > eps_ && (t2 - value_) > eps_));
00142         int numpar = p1->numParams1() + p1->numParams2();
00143         for (int ki=0; ki<numpar; ki++)
00144         {
00145             if (ki == par_dir_)
00146                 continue;
00147             if (fabs(p1->getPar()[ki] - p2->getPar()[ki]) > eps_)
00148                 identity = false;
00149         }
00150         return (crosses && !identity);
00151     }
00152     typedef const boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink> argument_type;
00153     typedef bool result_type;
00154 private:
00155     int par_dir_;
00156     double value_;
00157     double eps_;
00158 };
00161 //===========================================================================
00162 class TestInDomain // predicate for STL function
00163 //===========================================================================
00164 {
00165 public:
00166     TestInDomain(const ParamObjectInt* obj1, 
00167                  const ParamObjectInt* obj2,
00168                  boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> ref_point)
00169     {
00170         lower_limit_.reserve(4);
00171         upper_limit_.reserve(4);
00172         epsilon_.reserve(4);
00173         int obj1_params = obj1->numParams();
00174         int obj2_params = obj2->numParams();
00175         int i;
00176         for (i = 0; i < obj1_params; ++i) {
00177             lower_limit_.push_back(obj1->startParam(i));
00178             upper_limit_.push_back(obj1->endParam(i));
00179             epsilon_.push_back(ref_point->parameterTolerance(i));
00180         }
00181         for (i = 0; i < obj2_params; ++i) {
00182             lower_limit_.push_back(obj2->startParam(i));
00183             upper_limit_.push_back(obj2->endParam(i));
00184             epsilon_.push_back(ref_point->parameterTolerance(obj1_params + i));
00185         }
00186     }
00188     bool operator()(const boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink>& l) const
00189     {
00190         IntersectionPoint *p1, *p2;
00191         l->getIntersectionPoints(p1, p2);
00193         int num_param = lower_limit_.size();
00194         for (int i = 0; i < num_param; ++i) {
00195             if (p1->getPar(i) < lower_limit_[i] - epsilon_[i] ||
00196                 p1->getPar(i) > upper_limit_[i] + epsilon_[i] ||
00197                 p2->getPar(i) < lower_limit_[i] - epsilon_[i] ||
00198                 p2->getPar(i) > upper_limit_[i] + epsilon_[i]) {
00199                 // p1 or p2 for this link was found to lie outside of
00200                 // the domain
00201                 return false;
00202             }
00203         }
00204         // everything was inside the domain
00205         return true;
00206     }
00207     typedef const boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink> argument_type;
00208     typedef bool result_type;
00209 private:
00210     std::vector<double> lower_limit_;
00211     std::vector<double> upper_limit_;
00212     std::vector<double> epsilon_;
00213 };
00216 //===========================================================================
00217 bool link_is_iso_in(boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink> link, int dir)
00218 //===========================================================================
00219 {
00220     return link->isIsoparametricIn(dir);
00221 }
00224 //===========================================================================
00225 bool link_is_iso(boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink> link)
00226 //===========================================================================
00227 {
00228     return link->isIsoparametric();
00229 }
00232 //===========================================================================
00233 bool link_is_iso_in_other_than(boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionLink> link, int dir)
00234 //===========================================================================
00235 {
00236     int num_param = link->numParams();
00237     for (int i = 0; i < num_param; ++i) {
00238         if (i != dir && link->isIsoparametricIn(i)) {
00239             return true;
00240         }
00241     }
00242     return false;
00243 }
00246 //===========================================================================
00247 template<class T1, class T2>
00248 bool compare_first(const std::pair<T1, T2>& x, const std::pair<T1, T2>& y)
00249 //===========================================================================
00250 {
00251     return x.first < y.first;
00252 }
00255 //===========================================================================
00256 class ClosestPointCalculator
00257 //===========================================================================
00258 {
00259 public:
00260     ClosestPointCalculator(boost::shared_ptr<ParamObjectInt> obj)
00261         : point_(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ParamPointInt>(obj)),
00262           curve_(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ParamCurveInt>(obj)),
00263           surf_(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ParamSurfaceInt>(obj)),
00264           func0_(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Param0FunctionInt>(obj)),
00265           func1_(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Param1FunctionInt>(obj)),
00266           func2_(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Param2FunctionInt>(obj))
00267     {
00268         // check that exactly one of free_curve_ and free_surface_ is
00269         // active
00270     }
00272     // calculate the closest point between the two objects at the
00273     // parameter value 'known_par' for the reference object.  The
00274     // distance at this point is returned.  The value(s) pointed to by
00275     // 'unknown_par' are also used as seed to the closest point
00276     // algorithm.
00277     double compute(const Point& pt, double* unknown_par, double eps)
00278     {
00279         // check that exactly one of free_curve_ and free_surface_ is
00280         // active
00281 //      int nmb = (point_ != 0) + (curve_ != 0) + (surf_ != 0)
00282 //          + (func0_ != 0) + (func1_ != 0) + (func2_ != 0);
00283         ASSERT((point_ != 0) + (curve_ != 0) + (surf_ != 0)
00284                + (func0_ != 0) + (func1_ != 0) + (func2_ != 0));
00285         Point cl_pt;
00286         double dist;
00287         if (point_) { // the other object is a point
00288             // very easy.  The closest point must be that point!
00289             point_->point(cl_pt, 0);
00290             dist = pt.dist(cl_pt);
00291         }
00292         if (func0_) { // the other object is a point
00293             // very easy.  The closest point must be that point!
00294             func0_->point(cl_pt, 0);
00295             dist = pt.dist(cl_pt);
00296         }
00297         else if (curve_) { // the other object is a curve
00298             boost::shared_ptr<ParamCurve> parcurve = curve_->getParamCurve();
00299             parcurve->closestPoint(pt, 
00300                                    parcurve->startparam(), 
00301                                    parcurve->endparam(),
00302                                    *unknown_par,
00303                                    cl_pt,
00304                                    dist,
00305                                    unknown_par);
00306         } else if (func1_) { // the other object is a one-valued function
00307             boost::shared_ptr<ParamCurve> parcurve = func1_->getParamCurve();
00308             parcurve->closestPoint(pt,
00309                                    parcurve->startparam(),
00310                                    parcurve->endparam(),
00311                                    *unknown_par,
00312                                    cl_pt,
00313                                    dist,
00314                                    unknown_par);
00315         } else if (surf_) { // the other object is a surface
00316             surf_->getParamSurface()->closestPoint(pt, 
00317                                                    unknown_par[0], 
00318                                                    unknown_par[1], 
00319                                                    cl_pt, 
00320                                                    dist, 
00321                                                    eps, 
00322                                                    0, 
00323                                                    unknown_par);
00324         } else { // the other object is a two-valued function
00325             func2_->getParamSurface()->closestPoint(pt, 
00326                                                     unknown_par[0], 
00327                                                     unknown_par[1], 
00328                                                     cl_pt, 
00329                                                     dist, 
00330                                                     eps,
00331                                                     0,
00332                                                     unknown_par);
00333         }
00334         return dist;
00335     }
00338 private:
00339     boost::shared_ptr<ParamPointInt> point_;
00340     boost::shared_ptr<ParamCurveInt> curve_;
00341     boost::shared_ptr<ParamSurfaceInt> surf_;
00342     boost::shared_ptr<Param0FunctionInt> func0_;
00343     boost::shared_ptr<Param1FunctionInt> func1_;
00344     boost::shared_ptr<Param2FunctionInt> func2_;
00345 };
00348 //===========================================================================
00349 class LockedDirDistFunc
00350 //===========================================================================
00351 {
00352 public:
00353     LockedDirDistFunc(const ParamObjectInt* const o1, 
00354                       const ParamObjectInt* const o2, 
00355                       int fixed_dir,
00356                       double fixed_value) :
00357         o1_(o1), 
00358         o2_(o2), 
00359         par2ix_(o1_->numParams()),
00360         fixed_(fixed_dir), 
00361         num_par_(o1->numParams() + o2->numParams() - 1),
00362         pvec1_(3), pvec2_(3)
00363     {
00364         ASSERT(num_par_ <= 3);
00365         ASSERT(fixed_dir >= 0 && fixed_dir < 4);
00366         int o1_pars = o1->numParams();
00367         for (int i = 0; i < num_par_; ++i) {
00368             int ix = (i < fixed_) ? i : i+1;
00369             min_par_[i] = (ix < o1_pars) 
00370                 ? o1->startParam(ix) : o2->startParam(ix - o1_pars);
00371             max_par_[i] = (ix < o1_pars)
00372                 ? o1->endParam(ix) : o2->endParam(ix - o1_pars);
00373         }
00374         tmp_[fixed_dir] = fixed_value;
00375     }
00377     double operator()(const double* arg) const; 
00378     void grad(const double* arg, double* grad) const; 
00379     double minPar(int n) const { return min_par_[n];}
00380     double maxPar(int n) const { return max_par_[n];}
00381 private:
00382     void fillParams(const double* arg) const;
00384     const ParamObjectInt* o1_;
00385     const ParamObjectInt* o2_;
00386     const int par2ix_;
00387     const int fixed_;
00388     const int num_par_;
00389     double min_par_[3];
00390     double max_par_[3];
00392     mutable double tmp_[4];
00394     mutable Point p1_, p2_, diff_;
00395     mutable std::vector<Point> pvec1_, pvec2_;
00396 };
00399 //===========================================================================
00400 class ConnectionFunctor
00401 //===========================================================================
00402 {
00403 public:
00404     ConnectionFunctor(const std::vector<boost::
00405                       shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> >& ipoints)
00406         : vec_(ipoints) {}
00407     bool operator()(int a, int b)
00408     { return vec_[a]->isConnectedTo(vec_[b]);}
00410 private:
00411     const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> >& vec_;
00412 };
00415 //===========================================================================
00418 //===========================================================================
00419 void add_reachables_from(const IntersectionPoint* pt,
00420                          const IntersectionPoint* last_pt,
00421                          std::set<IntersectionPoint*>& result)
00422 //===========================================================================
00423 {
00424     std::vector<IntersectionPoint*> n;
00425     pt->getNeighbours(n);
00426     for (int i = 0; i < int(n.size()); ++i) {
00427         if (n[i] != last_pt && result.find(n[i]) == result.end()) {
00428             // this point must be added
00429             result.insert(n[i]);
00430             add_reachables_from(n[i], pt, result);
00431         }
00432     }
00433 }
00436 //===========================================================================
00437 void estimate_seed_by_interpolation(const IntersectionPoint* p1,
00438                                     const IntersectionPoint* p2,
00439                                     int fixed_dir,
00440                                     double fixed_value,
00441                                     double* result)
00442 //===========================================================================
00443 {
00444     result[fixed_dir] = fixed_value;
00445     const double p1_fixed = p1->getPar(fixed_dir);
00446     const double p2_fixed = p2->getPar(fixed_dir);
00447     const double span = p2_fixed - p1_fixed;
00448     //ASSERT(fabs(span) > 0);
00449     const int num_param = p1->numParams1() + p1->numParams2();
00451     double ratio = (span == 0) ? 0.5 : (fixed_value - p1_fixed) / span;
00452     for (int i = 0; i < num_param; ++i) {
00453         if (i != fixed_dir) {
00454             *result++ = (1 - ratio) * p1->getPar(i) + ratio * p2->getPar(i);
00455         }
00456     }
00457 }
00460 //===========================================================================
00461 void determine_seed(double* par, 
00462                     int par_start,
00463                     int par_end,
00464                     const Point& pt,
00465                     const IntersectionPoint * const ip1,
00466                     const IntersectionPoint * const ip2)
00467 //===========================================================================
00468 {
00469     const Point& ip1_point = ip1->getPoint();
00470     const Point& ip2_point = ip2->getPoint();
00471     double dist1 = pt.dist(ip1_point);
00472     double dist2 = pt.dist(ip2_point);
00473     double total_dist = dist1 + dist2;
00474     double ratio = (total_dist == 0.0) ? 0 : dist1 / total_dist;
00476     int count = 0;
00477     for (int i = par_start; i < par_end; ++i) {
00478         par[count++] = (1 - ratio) * ip1->getPar(i) + ratio * ip2->getPar(i);
00479     }
00480 }
00483 //===========================================================================
00484 int find_point_in(IntersectionPoint* p,
00485                   const std::vector<boost::
00486                   shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> >& vec)
00487 //===========================================================================
00488 {
00489     int result;
00490     for (result = 0; result < int(vec.size()); ++result) {
00491         if (vec[result].get() == p) {
00492             break;
00493         }
00494     }
00495     return result;
00496 }
00499 //===========================================================================
00500 boost::shared_ptr<const CurveOnSurface>
00501 make_curve_on_surface(boost::shared_ptr<const ParamSurface> surf,
00502                       double u_start,
00503                       double v_start,
00504                       double u_end,
00505                       double v_end,
00506                       double p_start,
00507                       double p_end)
00508 //===========================================================================
00509 {
00510     ASSERT(p_start < p_end);
00511     std::vector<double> cpoints(4);
00512     cpoints[0] = u_start;
00513     cpoints[1] = v_start;
00514     cpoints[2] = u_end;
00515     cpoints[3] = v_end;
00516     std::vector<double> kvec(4);
00517     kvec[0] = kvec[1] = p_start;
00518     kvec[2] = kvec[3] = p_end;
00519     boost::shared_ptr<ParamCurve> pcurve(new SplineCurve(2, 2, &kvec[0],
00520                                                   &cpoints[0], 2));
00521     boost::shared_ptr<ParamSurface> temp_surf
00522         = boost::const_pointer_cast<ParamSurface>(surf);
00523     boost::shared_ptr<const CurveOnSurface>
00524         curve_on_surf(new CurveOnSurface(temp_surf, pcurve, true));
00525     return curve_on_surf;
00526 }
00529 //===========================================================================
00530 void extract_chains(const std::vector<boost::
00531                     shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> > pts,
00532                     std::vector<std::vector<boost::
00533                     shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> > >& chains)
00534 //===========================================================================
00535 {
00536     chains.clear();
00537     // find out which IntersectionPoints are connected
00538     std::vector<std::vector<int> > paths, cycles;
00539     std::vector<int> singles;
00540     get_individual_paths(pts.size(), ConnectionFunctor(pts),
00541                          paths, cycles, singles);
00543     // generating chains of 0 length  (single points)
00544     for (int i = 0; i < int(singles.size()); ++i) {
00545         chains.push_back(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> >
00546                          (1, pts[singles[i]]));
00547     }
00549     // generating chains of nonzero length (linked points)
00550     for (int p = 0; p < int(paths.size()); ++p) {
00551         chains.push_back(std::vector<boost::
00552                          shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> >());
00553         std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> >& cur_vec
00554             = chains.back();
00555         for (int pp = 0; pp < int(paths[p].size()); ++pp) {
00556             cur_vec.push_back(pts[paths[p][pp]]);
00557         }
00558     }
00559 }
00562 //===========================================================================
00563 void LockedDirDistFunc::fillParams(const double* arg) const 
00564 //===========================================================================
00565 {
00566     for (int i = 0; i < num_par_; ++i) {
00567         int ix = (i < fixed_) ? i : i+1;
00568         tmp_[ix] = arg[i];
00569     }
00570 }
00573 //===========================================================================
00574 double LockedDirDistFunc::operator()(const double* arg) const
00575 //===========================================================================
00576 {
00577     fillParams(arg);
00578     o1_->point(p1_, tmp_);
00579     o2_->point(p2_, tmp_ + par2ix_);
00580     return p1_.dist2(p2_);
00581 }
00584 //===========================================================================
00585 void LockedDirDistFunc::grad(const double* arg, double* grad) const
00586 //===========================================================================
00587 {
00588     fillParams(arg);
00589     int o1_pars = o1_->numParams();
00590     int o2_pars = o2_->numParams();
00592     if (o1_pars > 0) {
00593         o1_->point(pvec1_, tmp_, 1);
00594     } else {
00595         o1_->point(pvec1_[0], tmp_);
00596     }
00597     if (o2_pars > 0) {
00598         o2_->point(pvec2_, tmp_ + par2ix_, 1);
00599     } else {
00600         o2_->point(pvec2_[0], tmp_ + par2ix_);
00601     }
00603     diff_ = pvec2_[0] - pvec1_[0];
00604     double* comp = grad;
00605     for (int i = 0; i < o1_pars; ++i) {
00606         if (i != fixed_) {
00607             *comp++ = -2 * diff_ * pvec1_[i+1];
00608         }
00609     }
00610     for (int i = 0; i < o2_pars; ++i) {
00611         if (i + o1_pars != fixed_) {
00612             *comp++ = 2 * diff_ * pvec2_[i+1];
00613         }
00614     }
00615 }
00618 // //===========================================================================
00619 // void find_most_distant(const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> > pts, 
00620 //                     int pdir1, 
00621 //                     int pdir2, 
00622 //                     double& dist1, 
00623 //                     double& dist2, 
00624 //                     boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint>& pt1_dir1,
00625 //                     boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint>& pt2_dir1,
00626 //                     boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint>& pt1_dir2,
00627 //                     boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint>& pt2_dir2)
00628 // //===========================================================================
00629 // {
00630 //     // find out which IntersectionPoints are connected
00631 //     std::vector<std::vector<int> > paths, cycles;
00632 //     get_individual_paths(pts.size(), ConnectionFunctor(pts), paths, cycles);
00633 //     // ASSERT(cycles.size() == 0); // this should always be true
00635 //     // find 'longest parametric span' of a chain of IntersectionPoints in the two specified
00636 //     // parametric directions
00637 //     dist1 = dist2 = 0;
00638 //     pt1_dir1 = pt2_dir1 = pt1_dir2 = pt2_dir2 = boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint>(); 
00639 //     boost::shared_ptr<IntersectionPoint> tmp1, tmp2;
00640 //     for (int p = 0; p < int(paths.size()); ++p) {
00641 //      tmp1 = pts[paths[p].front()];
00642 //      tmp2 = pts[paths[p].back()];
00643 //      double d1_tmp = fabs(tmp1->getPar(pdir1) - tmp2->getPar(pdir1));
00644 //      double d2_tmp = fabs(tmp1->getPar(pdir2) - tmp2->getPar(pdir2));
00645 //      if (d1_tmp >= dist1) {
00646 //          dist1 = d1_tmp;
00647 //          pt1_dir1 = tmp1;
00648 //          pt2_dir1 = tmp2;
00649 //      } 
00650 //      if (d2_tmp >= dist2) {
00651 //          dist2 = d2_tmp;
00652 //          pt1_dir2 = tmp1;
00653 //          pt2_dir2 = tmp2;
00654 //      }
00655 //     }
00656 // }
00659 // //===========================================================================
00662 } // namespace Go

Generated on Fri Nov 23 12:24:33 2007 for GoTools Intersections Library by  doxygen 1.5.1