Registration and accommodation

Latest date for registration is Friday January 23 2004. Cancellations made after this date will be subject to a cancellation fee, covering accommodation expenses.

Please send your registration to:

Mariann Fjeldstad, SINTEF Applied Mathematics, P.O. Box 124 Blindern, N-0314 Oslo, Norway.
Phone: (+47) 22 06 76 54
Fax: (+47) 22 06 73 50

Please supply name and contact information (address, phone, fax, email).

There will be no fee for the winter schools; the winter schools are funded by the Research Council of Norway. However, the participants must pay for travel and accommodation. The participants are expected to stay at Dr. Holms Hotel, where we have reserved 45 rooms. These will be allotted on a first-come-first-serve basis. The costs for rooms are 1 190 NOK for single rooms, all meals included. There is also a possibility for double rooms at a slightly reduced price, and if you want to share rooms with a specific person, please indicate this on your registration. We will then try to accommodate your wish, but cannot promise you a double room. If you want room for smokers, please indicate this also. The rooms are paid directly to the hotel. Drinks to all meals at Dr.Holms must be paid individually.

In case you want other accommodation than Dr. Holms Hotel, this must be indicated in your registration, and you must make all the necessary arrangements yourself. Alternative accommodation can be found by searching the web page of Geilo Booking (in Norwegian). As an example of inexpensive accommodation, we can recommend Geilo Appartment.

Norwegian undergraduate students may apply for a (limited) partial support.