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GARPUR: Generally Accepted Reliability Principle with Uncertainty modelling and through probabilistic Risk assessment. Collaborative R&D project co-funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme).

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Power system reliability management aims to maintain power system performance at a desired level, while minimizing the socio-economic costs of keeping the power system at that performance level.

Historically in Europe, network reliability management has been lying on the so-called "N-1" criterion: in case of fault of one relevant element (e.g. one transmission system element, one significant generation element or one significant distribution network element), the elements remaining in operation must be capable of accommodating the new operational situation without violating the network's operational security limits.

Today, the increasing uncertainty of generation due to intermittent energy sources, combined with the opportunities provided e.g. by demand-side management and energy storage, call for imagining new reliability criteria with a better balance between reliability and costs.

The GARPUR project designs, develops, assesses and evaluates such new reliability criteria to be progressively implemented over the next decades at a pan-European level, while maximising social welfare.

Collaborative R&D project co-funded by the European Commission
(7th Framework Programme)

GARPUR started September 2013 and lasted until September 2017.

Coordinated by SINTEF Energy Research, the GARPUR project has been performed by collaborative efforts of 7 TSOs (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Iceland and Norway), 12 R&D providers and 1 innovation management expert.


Key Factors

Project duration

2013 - 2017

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